Összes publikáció
1-30 elem, összesen: 55
Zichó Krisztián; Balog Boldizsár Zsolt; Sebestény Réka Z; Brunner János; Takács Virág; Barth Albert M; Seng Charlotte; Orosz Áron; Aliczki Manó; Sebők Hunor; Mikics Eva; Földy Csaba; Szabadics János; Nyiri Gábor
Identification of the subventricular tegmental nucleus as brainstem reward center.
SCIENCE 0036-8075 1095-9203 387: p. eadr2191.
Takács Virág; Papp Péter; Orosz Áron; Bardóczi Zsuzsanna; Zsoldos Tamás; Zichó Krisztián; Watanabe Masahiko; Maglóczky Zsófia; Gombás Péter; Freund Tamás F; Nyiri Gábor
Absolute number of three populations of interneurons and all GABAergic synapses in the human hippocampus.
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 : Paper e0372242024.
Takács Virág; Bardóczi Zsuzsanna*; Orosz Áron*; Major Abel*; Tar Luca*; Berki Péter; Papp Péter; Mayer Márton I.; Sebők Hunor; Zsolt Luca; Sos Katalin E.; Káli Szabolcs; Freund Tamás F.; Nyiri Gábor ✉
Synaptic and dendritic architecture of different types of hippocampal somatostatin interneurons
PLOS BIOLOGY 1544-9173 1545-7885 22: Paper e3002539. 54 p.
Hegedüs Panna; Király Bálint*; Schlingloff Dániel*; Lyakhova Victoria; Velencei Anna; Szabó Írisz; Mayer Márton I.; Zelenak Zsofia; Nyiri Gábor; Hangya Balázs ✉
Parvalbumin-expressing basal forebrain neurons mediate learning from negative experience
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 15: Paper 4768. 20 p.
Krisztián Zichó; Katalin E. Sos; Péter Papp; Albert M. Barth; Erik Misák; Áron Orosz; Márton I. Mayer; Réka Z. Sebestény; Gábor Nyiri ✉
Fear memory recall involves hippocampal somatostatin interneurons
PLOS BIOLOGY 1544-9173 1545-7885 :
Ecker András ✉; Bagi Bence; Vértes Eszter; Steinbach-Németh Orsolya; Karlocai Maria Rita; Papp Orsolya I; Miklós István; Hájos Norbert; Freund Tamás; Gulyás Attila I; Káli Szabolcs ✉
Hippocampal sharp wave-ripples and the associated sequence replay emerge from structured synaptic interactions in a network model of area CA3
ELIFE 2050-084X 11: Paper e71850.
Kocsis Barnabás; Martínez-Bellver Sergio; Fiáth Richárd; Domonkos Andor; Sviatkó Katalin; Schlingloff Dániel; Barthó Péter; Freund Tamás F.; Ulbert István; Káli Szabolcs; Varga Viktor; Hangya Balázs
Huygens synchronization of medial septal pacemaker neurons generates hippocampal theta oscillation
CELL REPORTS 2211-1247 2211-1247 40: Paper 111149. 29 p.
Baksa Gabor ✉; Czeibert Kalman; Sharp Veronika; Handschuh Stephan; Gyebnar Janos; Barany Laszlo; Benis Szabolcs; Nyiri Gabor; Mandl Peter; Petnehazy Ors; Balint Peter Vince
Vascular supply of the metacarpophalangeal joint
FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE 2296-858X 9: Paper 1015895. 14 p.
Sáray Sára; Rössert Christian A.; Appukuttan Shailesh; Migliore Rosanna; Vitale Paola; Lupascu Carmen A.; Bologna Luca L.; Van Geit Werner; Romani Armando; Davison Andrew P.; Muller Eilif; Freund Tamás F.; Káli Szabolcs
HippoUnit: A software tool for the automated testing and systematic comparison of detailed models of hippocampal neurons based on electrophysiological data
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 1553-734X 1553-7358 17: Paper e1008114.
Sos Katalin E.; Mayer Márton I.; Takács Virág T.; Major Abel; Bardóczi Zsuzsanna; Beres Barnabas M.; Szeles Tamás; Saito Takashi; Saido Takaomi C.; Mody István; Freund Tamás F.; Nyiri Gábor ✉
Amyloid β induces interneuron-specific changes in the hippocampus of APPNL-F mice
PLOS ONE 1932-6203 15: Paper e0233700. 28 p.
Ecker Andras ✉; Romani Armando; Saray Sara; Kali Szabolcs; Migliore Michele; Falck Joanne; Lange Sigrun; Mercer Audrey; Thomson Alex M.; Muller Eilif; Reimann Michael W.; Ramaswamy Srikanth ✉
Data-driven integration of hippocampal CA1 synaptic physiology in silico
HIPPOCAMPUS 1050-9631 1098-1063 30: pp 1129-1145
Mohacsi Mate; Torok Mark Patrik; Saray Sara; Kali Szabolcs; IEEE szerk.
A unified framework for the application and evaluation of different methods for neural parameter optimization
: Paper 9206692. 7 p.
Wong Raymond; Lénárt Nikolett; Hill Laura; Toms Lauren; Coutts Graham; Martinecz Bernadett; Császár Eszter; Nyiri Gábor; Papaemmanouil Athina; Waisman Ari; Müller Werner; Schwaninger Markus; Rothwell Nancy; Francis Sheila; Pinteaux Emmanuel; Denés Adam ✉; Allan Stuart M.
Interleukin-1 mediates ischaemic brain injury via distinct actions on endothelial cells and cholinergic neurons
BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY 0889-1591 1090-2139 76: pp 126-138
Szonyi Andras; Sos Katalin E.; Nyilas Rita; Schlingloff Daniel; Domonkos Andor; Takacs Virag T.; Posfai Balazs; Hegedus Panna; Priestley James B.; Gundlach Andrew L.; Gulyas Attila I.; Varga Viktor; Losonczy Attila; Freund Tamas F.; Nyiri Gabor ✉
Brainstem nucleus incertus controls contextual memory formation
SCIENCE 0036-8075 1095-9203 364: Paper eaaw0445. 13 p.
Csernai Márton; Borbély Sándor*; Kocsis Kinga*; Burka Dávid; Fekete Zoltán; Balogh Veronika; Káli Szabolcs; Emri Zsuzsa; Barthó Péter
Dynamics of sleep oscillations is coupled to brain temperature on multiple scales.
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 0022-3751 1469-7793 597: pp 4069-4086
Szőnyi András; Zichó Krisztián*; Albert M. Barth; Roland T. Gönczi; Dániel Schlingloff; Bibiána Török; Eszter Sipos; Abel Major; Zsuzsanna Bardóczi; Katalin E. Sos; Attila I. Gulyás; Viktor Varga; Dóra Zelena; Tamás F. Freund; Nyiri Gabor ✉
Median raphe controls acquisition of negative experience in the mouse
SCIENCE 0036-8075 1095-9203 366: Paper eaay8746. 12 p.
Fekete C; Vastagh C; Denes A; Hrabovszky E; Nyiri G; Kallo I; Liposits Z; Sarvari M ✉
Chronic Amyloid beta Oligomer Infusion Evokes Sustained Inflammation and Microglial Changes in the Rat Hippocampus via NLRP3.
NEUROSCIENCE 0306-4522 1873-7544 405: pp 35-46
Migliore R.; Lupascu C.A.; Bologna L.L.; Romani A.; Courcol J.-D.; Antonel S.; Van Geit W.A.H.; Thomson A.M.; Mercer A.; Lange S.; Falck J.; Rössert C.A.; Shi Y.; Hagens O.; Pezzoli M.; Freund T.F.; Kali S.; Muller E.B.; Schürmann F.; Markram H.; Migliore M.
The physiological variability of channel density in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells and interneurons explored using a unified data-driven modeling workflow
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 1553-734X 1553-7358 14: Paper 1006423. 25 p.
Takacs VT; Cserep C*; Schlingloff D*; Posfai B; Szonyi A; Sos KE; Kornyei Z; Denes A; Gulyas AI; Freund TF; Nyiri G ✉
Co-transmission of acetylcholine and GABA regulates hippocampal states
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 9: Paper 2848. 15 p.
Káli S
Studying the effects of synaptic clustering in silico: When the neighbourhood party gets too loud
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 0022-3751 1469-7793 596: pp 3829-3830
Balazsfi D; Zelena D; Demeter K; Miskolczi C; Varga ZK; Nagyvaradi A; Nyiri G; Cserep C; Baranyi M; Sperlagh B; Haller J ✉
Differential Roles of the Two Raphe Nuclei in Amiable Social Behavior and Aggression - An Optogenetic Study
FRONTIERS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE 1662-5153 1662-5153 12: pp 1-16 Paper 163.
Sos KE; Mayer MI; Cserep C; Takacs FS; Szonyi A; Freund TF; Nyiri G ✉
Cellular architecture and transmitter phenotypes of neurons of the mouse median raphe region
BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 1863-2653 1863-2661 222: pp 287-299
Balazsfi DG ✉; Zelena D; Farkas L; Demeter K; Barna I; Cserep C; Takacs VT; Nyiri G; Goloncser F; Sperlagh B; Freund TF; Haller J
Median raphe region stimulation alone generates remote, but not recent fear memory traces
PLOS ONE 1932-6203 12: Paper e0181264. 17 p.
Szonyi A; Mayer MI; Cserep C; Takacs VT; Watanabe M; Freund TF; Nyiri G ✉
The ascending median raphe projections are mainly glutamatergic in the mouse forebrain.
BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 1863-2653 1863-2661 221: pp 735-751
Domonkos A; Ledri LN; Laszlovszky T; Cserep C; Borhegyi Z; Papp E; Nyiri G; Freund TF; Varga V ✉
Divergent in vivo activity of non-serotonergic and serotonergic VGluT3-neurones in the median raphe region.
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 0022-3751 1469-7793 594: pp 3775-3790
Posfai B; Cserep C*; Hegedus P; Szabadits E; Otte DM; Zimmer A; Watanabe M; Freund TF; Nyiri G ✉
Synaptic and cellular changes induced by the schizophrenia susceptibility gene G72 are rescued by N-acetylcysteine treatment.
TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY 2158-3188 2158-3188 6: Paper e807. 8 p.
Kohus Z; Kali S; Rovira L; Schlingloff D; Papp O; Freund TF; Hajos N; Gulyas AI ✉
Properties and dynamics of inhibitory synaptic communication within the CA3 microcircuits of pyramidal cells and interneurons expressing parvalbumin or cholecystokinin
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 0022-3751 1469-7793 594: pp 3745-3774
Gulyas AI ✉; Freund TF; Kali S
The Effects of Realistic Synaptic Distribution and 3D Geometry on Signal Integration and Extracellular Field Generation of Hippocampal Pyramidal Cells and Inhibitory Neurons.
FRONTIERS IN NEURAL CIRCUITS 1662-5110 1662-5110 10: Paper 88.
Takacs VT; Szonyi A; Freund TF; Nyiri G** ✉; Gulyas AI
Quantitative ultrastructural analysis of basket and axo-axonic cell terminals in the mouse hippocampus.
BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 1863-2653 1863-2661 220: pp 919-940
Karlocai MR; Kohus Z; Kali S; Ulbert I; Szabo G; Mate Z; Freund TF; Gulyas AI
Physiological sharp wave-ripples and interictal events in vitro: what's the difference?
BRAIN 0006-8950 1460-2156 137: pp 463-485