Összes publikáció
31-60 elem, összesen: 68
Holderith N; Nemeth B; Papp OI; Veres JM; Nagy GA; Hajos N ✉
Cannabinoids attenuate hippocampal gamma oscillations by suppressing excitatory synaptic input onto CA3 pyramidal neurons and fast spiking basket cells
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 0022-3751 1469-7793 589: pp 4921-4934
Oren I; Hajos N; Paulsen O
Identification of the current generator underlying cholinergically induced gamma frequency field potential oscillations in the hippocampal CA3 region
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 0022-3751 1469-7793 588: pp 785-797
Szabo GG; Holderith N; Gulyas AI; Freund TF; Hajos N
Distinct synaptic properties of perisomatic inhibitory cell types and their different modulation by cholinergic receptor activation in the CA3 region of the mouse hippocampus.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 31: pp 2234-2246
Zemankovics R; Kali S; Paulsen O; Freund TF; Hajos N ✉
Differences in subthreshold resonance of hippocampal pyramidal cells and interneurons: the role of h-current and passive membrane characteristics.
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 0022-3751 1469-7793 588: pp 2109-2132
Gulyas AI; Szabo GG; Ulbert I; Holderith N; Monyer H; Erdelyi F; Szabo G; Freund TF; Hajos N ✉
Parvalbumin-containing fast-spiking basket cells generate the field potential oscillations induced by cholinergic receptor activation in the hippocampus
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 30: pp 15134-15145
Hajos N ✉; Paulsen O
Network mechanisms of gamma oscillations in the CA3 region of the hippocampus
NEURAL NETWORKS 0893-6080 1879-2782 22: pp 1113-1119
Hajos N ✉; Ellender TJ; Zemankovics R; Mann EO; Exley R; Cragg SJ; Freund TF; Paulsen O
Maintaining network activity in submerged hippocampal slices: importance of oxygen supply
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 29: pp 319-327
Hajos N; Mody I
Establishing a physiological environment for visualized in vitro brain slice recordings by increasing oxygen supply and modifying acsf content
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS 0165-0270 1872-678X 183: pp 107-113
Gulyás AI; Hájos N; Borhegyi Zs; Freund TF; Garcia CL; Olucha-Bordonau FE; Blasco Ibanez JM; Rosello JN; Rupérez CC
Anatomical and physiological properties of hippocampak GABAergic neurons projecting to the medial septum : La anatomia fina del conocimiento.
: pp 159-180
Benninger F; Freund TF; Hajos N
Control of excitatory synaptic transmission by capsaicin is unaltered in TRPV(1) vanilloid receptor knockout mice
NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 0197-0186 1872-9754 52: pp 89-94
Nemeth B; Ledent C; Freund TF; Hajos N
CB(1) receptor-dependent and -independent inhibition of excitatory postsynaptic currents in the hippocampus by win 55,212-2
NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 0028-3908 1873-7064 54: pp 51-57
Makara JK; Katona I; Nyiri G; Nemeth B; Ledent C; Watanabe M; de Vente J; Freund TF; Hajos N ✉
Involvement of nitric oxide in depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition in hippocampal pyramidal cells during activation of cholinergic receptors
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 27: pp 10211-10222
Haller J ✉; Mátyás F; Soproni K; Varga B; Barsy B; Németh B; Mikics É; Freund TF; Hájos N
Correlated species differences in the effects of cannabinoid ligands on anxiety and on GABAergic and glutamatergic synaptic transmission
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 25: pp 2445-2456
Oren I ✉; Mann EO; Paulsen O; Hajos N
Synaptic currents in anatomically identified CA3 neurons during hippocampal gamma oscillations in vitro
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 26: pp 9923-9934
Mann EO ✉; Suckling JM; Hajos N; Greenfield SA; Paulsen O
Perisomatic feedback inhibition underlies cholinergically induced fast network oscillations in the rat hippocampus in vitro
NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 45: pp 105-117
Bodor AL; Katona I; Nyíri G; MacKie K; Ledent C; Hájos N; Freund TF ✉
Endocannabinoid signaling in rat somatosensory cortex: laminar differences and involvement of specific interneuron types
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 25: pp 6845-6856
Hájos N ✉; Pálhalmi J; Mann EO; Németh B; Paulsen O; Freund TF
Spike timing of distinct types of GABAergic interneuron during hippocampal gamma oscillations in vitro
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 24: pp 9127-9137
Pálhalmi J; Paulsen O; Freund TF; Hájos N ✉
Distinct properties of carbachol- and DHPG-induced network oscillations in hippocampal slices
NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 0028-3908 1873-7064 47: pp 381-389
Hájos N; Kathuria S; Dinh T; Piomelli D; Freund TF
Endocannabinoid transport tightly controls 2-arachidonoyl glycerol actions in the hippocampus: effects of low temperature and the transport inhibitor AM404
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 19: pp 2991-2996
Freund TF; Hájos N
Excitement reduces inhibition via endocannabinoids
NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 38: pp 362-365
Gulyás AI ✉; Hájos N; Katona I; Freund TF
Interneurons are the local targets of hippocampal inhibitory cells which project to the medial septum
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 17: pp 1861-1872
Hájos N; Freund TF ✉
Pharmacological separation of cannabinoid sensitive receptors on hippocampal excitatory and inhibitory fibers
NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 0028-3908 1873-7064 43: pp 503-510
Hájos N; Freund TF ✉
Distinct cannabinoid sensitive receptors regulate hippocampal excitation and inhibition
CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF LIPIDS 0009-3084 1873-2941 121: pp 73-82
Hájos N; Freund TF; Mody I
Comparison of single NMDA receptor channels recorded on hippocampal principal cells and oriens/alveus interneurons projecting to stratum lacunosum-moleculare (O-LM cells)
ACTA BIOLOGICA HUNGARICA 1983-2018 0236-5383 1588-256X 53: pp 465-472
Hájos N; Ledent C; Freund TF ✉
Novel cannabinoid-sensitive receptor mediates inhibition of glutamatergic synaptic transmission in the hippocampus
NEUROSCIENCE 0306-4522 1873-7544 106: pp 1-4
Katona IN; Rancz EA; Acsády L; Ledent C; Mackie K; Hájos N; Freund TF ✉
Distribution of CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the amygdala and their role in the control of GABAergic transmission
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 21: pp 9506-9518
Hájos N; Nusser* Z; Rancz EA; Freund TF; Mody I ✉
Cell type- and synapse-specific variability in synaptic GABA~A receptor occupancy
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 12: pp 810-818
Hájos N; Katona I; Naiem SS; Mackie K; Ledent C; Mody I; Freund TF ✉
Cannabinoids inhibit hippocampal GABAergic transmission and network oscillations
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 12: pp 3239-3249
Papp ECs; Hajos N; Acsády L; Freund TF
Medial septal and median raphe innervation of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-containing interneurons in the hippocampus
NEUROSCIENCE 0306-4522 1873-7544 90: pp 369-382
Sík A; Hájos N; Gulácsi A; Mody I; Freund TF ✉
The absence of a major Ca²⁺ signaling pathway in GABAergic neurons of the hippocampus