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Gulyás AI; Hájos N; Borhegyi Zs; Freund TF; Garcia CL; Olucha-Bordonau FE; Blasco Ibanez JM; Rosello JN; Rupérez CC  (2008) Anatomical and physiological properties of hippocampak GABAergic neurons projecting to the medial septum : La anatomia fina del conocimiento. : pp 159-180
Csoporthoz nem tartozó publikáció
Benninger F; Freund TF; Hajos N  (2008) Control of excitatory synaptic transmission by capsaicin is unaltered in TRPV(1) vanilloid receptor knockout mice NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 0197-0186 1872-9754 52: pp 89-94
Nemeth B; Ledent C; Freund TF; Hajos N  (2008) CB(1) receptor-dependent and -independent inhibition of excitatory postsynaptic currents in the hippocampus by win 55,212-2 NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 0028-3908 1873-7064 54: pp 51-57