Összes publikáció

1-2 elem, összesen: 2
Milusheva, E; Sperlágh, B; Kiss, B; Szporny, L; Pásztor, E; Papasova, M; Vizi, ES  (1990) Inhibitory effect of hypoxic condition on acetylcholine release is partly due to the effect of adenosine released from the tissue BRAIN RESEARCH BULLETIN 1873-2747 24: 369-373
Csoporthoz nem tartozó publikáció
Vizi, ES; Sperlagh, B; Lajtha, A  (1990) Evidence for a presynaptic P2X-purinoceptor involved in facilitation of acetylcholine release ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 1749-6632 603: 500-502
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