Összes publikáció

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Kwakowsky, A; Schwirtlich, M; Zhang, Q; Eisenstat, DD; Erdélyi, F; Baranyi, M; Katarova, ZD; Szabó, G  (2007) GAD isoforms exhibit distinct spatiotemporal expression patterns in the developing mouse lens: correlation with Dlx2 and Dlx5 DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS 1097-0177 236: 3532-3544
Csoporthoz nem tartozó publikáció
Wirkner, K; Sperlágh, B; Illes, P  (2007) P2x(3) Receptor involvement in pain states MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY 1559-1182 36: 165-183
Csoporthoz nem tartozó publikáció
Sperlágh, B; Zsilla, G; Baranyi, M; Illés, P; Vizi, ES  (2007) Purinergic modulation of glutamate release under ischemic-like conditions in the hippocampus NEUROSCIENCE 1873-7544 149: 99-111
Sperlágh, B; Vizi, ES  (2007) Extracellular interconversion of nucleotides reveals an ecto-adenylate kinase activity in the rat hippocampus NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH 1573-6903 32: 1978-1989
Kittel, A; Sperlágh, B; Pelletier, J; Sevigny, J; Kirley, TL  (2007) Transient changes in the localization and activity of ecto-nucleotidases in rat hippocampus following lipopolysaccharide treatment INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE 1873-474X 25: 275-282
Milius, D; Groger, Arndt H; Stanchev, D; Lange, Dohna C; Rossner, S; Sperlágh, B; Wirkner, K; Illés, P  (2007) Oxygen/glucose deprivation increases the integration of recombinant P2X(7) receptors into the plasma membrane of HEK293 cells TOXICOLOGY 1879-3185 238: 60-69
Csoporthoz nem tartozó publikáció
Sperlágh, B; Illés, P  (2007) Purinergic modulation of microglial cell activation PURINERGIC SIGNALLING 1573-9546 3: 117-127
Papp, L; Vizi, ES; Sperlagh, B  (2007) P2X7 receptor mediated phosphorylation of p38MAP kinase in the hippocampus BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 1090-2104 355: 568-574
Sperlágh, B; Heinrich, A; Csölle, C  (2007) P2 receptor-mediated modulation of neurotransmitter release--an update PURINERGIC SIGNALLING 1573-9546 3: 269-284
Sperlágh, B; Vizi, ES; Tímár, J; Kiss, J; Zelles, T  (2007) Bevezetés a pszichotrop szerek farmakológiájába. 343-359