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Tautenhahn, M; Leichsenring, A; Servettini, I; Pesic, M; Sperlagh, B; Norenberg, W; Illes, P  (2012) Purinergic modulation of the excitatory synaptic input onto rat striatal neurons NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 1873-7064 62: 1756-1766
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Ando, RD; Biro, J; Csolle, C; Ledent, C; Sperlagh, B  (2012) The inhibitory action of exo- and endocannabinoids on [(3)H]GABA release are mediated by both CB(1) and CB(2) receptors in the mouse hippocampus NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 1872-9754 60: 145-152
Richter, H; Teixeira, FM; Ferreira, SG; Kittel, A; Kofalvi, A; Sperlagh, B  (2012) Presynaptic alpha(2)-adrenoceptors control the inhibitory action of presynaptic CB(1) cannabinoid receptors on prefrontocortical norepinephrine release in the rat NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 1873-7064 63: 784-797
Heinrich, A; Ando, R; Turi, G; Rozsa, B; Sperlagh, B  (2012) K(+) depolarization evokes ATP, adenosine and glutamate release from glia in rat hippocampus: a microelectrode biosensor study BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 1476-5381 167: 1003-1020
Khansari, PS; Sperlagh, B  (2012) Inflammation in neurological and psychiatric diseases INFLAMMOPHARMACOLOGY 1568-5608 20: 103-107
Dunkel, P; Chai, CL; Sperlágh, B; Huleatt, PB; Mátyus, P  (2012) Clinical utility of neuroprotective agents in neurodegenerative diseases: current status of drug development for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis EXPERT OPINION ON INVESTIGATIONAL DRUGS 21: 1267-1308
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Kecskeméti, Valéria; Sperlágh, Beáta  (2012) 50 éves a Magyar Kísérletes és Klinikai Farmakológiai Társaság
Sperlagh, B; Csolle, C; Ando, RD; Goloncser, F; Kittel, A; Baranyi, M  (2012) The role of purinergic signaling in depressive disorders. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGIA HUNGARICA 14: 231-238
Horváth, B; Iring, A; Benyó, B; Hermán, P; Lenzsér, G; Lacza, Zs; Sándor, P; Benyó, Z  (2012) Low frequency pial arterial vasomotion and cerebrocortical blood flow oscillations in rodents 266-266
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