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Kovács, KJ; Sawchenko, PE  (1996) Sequence of stress-induced alterations in indices of synaptic and transcriptional activation in parvocellular neurosecretory neurons JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1529-2401 16: 262-273
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Ábrahám, I; Juhász, G; Kékesi, AK; Kovács, KJ  (1996) Effect of intrahippocampal dexamethasone on the levels of amino acid transmitters and neuronal excitability BRAIN RESEARCH 1872-6240 733: 56-63
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Kovács, KJ; Sawchenko, PE  (1996) Regulation of stress-induced transcriptional changes in the hypothalamic neurosecretory neurons JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 1559-1166 7: 125-133
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Haller, J; Makara, GB; Barna, I; Kovács, K; Nagy, J; Vecsernyés, M  (1996) Compression of the pituitary stalk elicits chronic increases in CSF vasopressin, oxytocin as well as in social investigation and aggressiveness JOURNAL OF NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 1365-2826 8: 361-365
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Kovács, KJ; Földes, A; Vizi, ES  (1996) C-kit ligand (Stem Cell Factor) affects neuronal activity, stimulates pituitary-adrenal axis and prolactin secretion in rats JOURNAL OF NEUROIMMUNOLOGY 1872-8421 65: 133-141
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Sawchenko, PE; Brown, ER; Chan, RK; Ericsson, A; Li, HY; Roland, BL; Kovacs, KJ  (1996) The paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and the functional neuroanatomy of visceromotor responses to stress PROGRESS IN BRAIN RESEARCH 1875-7855 107: 201-222
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