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Kovács, KJ; Arias, C; Sawchenko, PE  (1998) Protein synthesis blockade differentially affects the stress-induced transcriptional activation of neuropeptide genes in parvocellular neurosecretory neurons MOLECULAR BRAIN RESEARCH 54: 85-91
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Palkovits, M; Young, WS; Kovács, KJ; Tóth, Zs; Makara, GB  (1998) Alterations in corticotropin-releasing hormone gene expression of central amygdaloid neurons following long-term paraventricular lesions and adrenalectomy NEUROSCIENCE 1873-7544 85: 135-147
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Kovács, KJ  (1998) c-Fos as a transcription factor: a stressful (re)view from a functional map NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 1872-9754 33: 287-297
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Kovacs, KJ  (1998) Functional neuroanatomy of the parvocellular vasopressinergic system: transcriptional responses to stress and glucocorticoid feedback. PROGRESS IN BRAIN RESEARCH 1875-7855 119: 31-43
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Ábrahám, I; Juhász, G; Kékesi, KA; Kovács, KJ  (1998) Corticosterone peak is responsible for stress-induced elevation of glutamate in the hippocampus STRESS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON THE BIOLOGY OF STRESS 1607-8888 2: 171-181
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