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Xu, Lu; Füredi, Nóra; Lutter, Christoph; Geenen, Bram; Pétervári, Erika; Balaskó, Márta; Dénes, Ádám; Kovács, Krisztina J; Gaszner, Balázs; Kozicz, Tamás  (2022) Leptin coordinates efferent sympathetic outflow to the white adipose tissue through the midbrain centrally-projecting Edinger-Westphal nucleus in male rats. NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 1873-7064 205:
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Kuti D.; Winkler Z.; Horváth K.; Juhász B.; Szilvásy-Szabó A.; Fekete C.; Ferenczi S.; Kovács K.J. ✉  (2022) The metabolic stress response: Adaptation to acute-, repeated- and chronic challenges in mice ISCIENCE 2589-0042 25: Paper 104693. 17 p.
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