Összes publikáció
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Popovic Marko A; Carnevale Nicholas; Rozsa Balazs; Zecevic Dejan
Electrical behaviour of dendritic spines as revealed by voltage imaging
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 6: Paper 8436. 12 p.
Bywalez WG; Patirniche D; Rupprecht V; Stemmler M; Herz AV; Palfi D; Rozsa B; Egger V
Local postsynaptic voltage-gated sodium channel activation in dendritic spines of olfactory bulb granule cells.
NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 85: pp 590-601
Bouhadfane M; Kaszas A; Rozsa B; Harris-Warrick RM; Vinay L; Brocard F
Sensitization of neonatal rat lumbar motoneuron by the inflammatory pain mediator bradykinin.
ELIFE 2050-084X 4: Paper e06195. 51 p.
Vasanits-Zsigrai A ✉; Majercsik O; Tóth G; Csámpai A; Haveland-Lukács C; Pálfi D; Szadai Z; Rózsa B; Molnár-Perl I
Quantitation of various indolinyl caged glutamates as their o-phthalaldehyde derivatives by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem spectroscopic detections: Derivatization, stoichiometry and stability studies
JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A 0021-9673 1873-3778 1394: pp 81-88
Williamson A; Ferro M; Leleux P; Ismailova E; Kaszas A; Doublet T; Quilichini P; Rivnay J; Rõzsa B; Katona G; Bernard C; Malliaras GG
Localized Neuron Stimulation with Organic Electrochemical Transistors on Delaminating Depth Probes
ADVANCED MATERIALS 0935-9648 27: pp 4405-4410
Wertz A; Trenholm S; Yonehara K; Hillier D; Raics Z; Leinweber M; Szalay G; Ghanem A; Keller G; Rózsa B; Conzelmann K-K; Roska B
Single-cell-initiated monosynaptic tracing reveals layer-specific cortical network modules
SCIENCE 0036-8075 1095-9203 349: pp 70-74
Kusnyerik A; Rozsa B; Veress M; Szabo A; Nemeth J; Maak P
Modeling of in vivo acousto-optic two-photon imaging of the retina in the human eye.
OPTICS EXPRESS 1094-4087 23: pp 23436-23449