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Ferrarese L.; Jouhanneau J.-S.; Remme M.W.H.; Kremkow J.; Katona G.; Rózsa B.; Schreiber S.; Poulet J.F.A.  (2018) Dendrite-Specific Amplification of Weak Synaptic Input during Network Activity In Vivo CELL REPORTS 2211-1247 24: pp 3455-3465.e5
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Kovács Ervin; Rózsa Balázs; Csomos Attila; Csizmadia Imre; Mucsi Zoltán  (2018) Amide Activation in Ground and Excited States MOLECULES 1420-3049 1420-3049 23: Paper 2859. 31 p.
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Donahue Mary J.; Kaszas Attila; Turi Gergely F.; Rózsa Balázs; Slézia Andrea; Vanzetta Ivo; Katona Gergely; Bernard Christophe; Malliaras George G.; Williamson Adam ✉  (2018) Multimodal Characterization of Neural Networks using Highly Transparent Electrode Arrays ENEURO 2373-2822 5: Paper e0187.
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Pálfi D; Chiovini B; Szalay G; Kaszás A; Turi GF; Katona G; Ábrányi-Balogh P; Szori M; Potor A; Frigyesi O; Lukácsné Haveland C; Szadai Z; Madarász M; Vasanits-Zsigrai A; Molnár-Perl I; Viskolcz B; Csizmadia IG; Mucsi Z; Rózsa B  (2018) High efficiency two-photon uncaging coupled by the correction of spontaneous hydrolysis ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY 1477-0520 1477-0539 16: pp 1958-1970
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AK Theis; B Rozsa; G Katona; D Schmitz; FW Johenning ✉  (2018) Voltage Gated Calcium Channel Activation by Backpropagating Action Potentials Downregulates NMDAR Function. FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE 1662-5102 12: Paper 109. 14 p.
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Gergely Szalay; Zoltán Szadai; Linda Judák; Pál Maák; Katalin Ócsai; Máté Veress; Tamás Tompa; Balázs Chiovini; Gergely Katona; Balázs Rózsa; Anon  (2018) Fast 3D imaging and re-activation of neuronal networks, dendrites, and spines in several cubic millimeter volumes during visual learning to understand visual representation : Paper BTu2C.1.
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Fekete R; Cserep C; Lenart N; Toth K; Orsolits B; Martinecz B; Méhes Előd; Szabó Bálint; Németh Valéria; Gönci Balázs; Sperlagh B; Boldogkoi Z; Kittel A; Baranyi M; Ferenczi S; Kovacs K; Szalay G; Rozsa B; Webb C; Kovacs GG; Hortobagyi T; West BL; Kornyei Z; Denes A ✉  (2018) Microglia control the spread of neurotropic virus infection via P2Y12 signalling and recruit monocytes through P2Y12-independent mechanisms ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA 0001-6322 1432-0533 136: pp 461-482
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