Összes publikáció
1-3 elem, összesen: 3
Giber K; Diana MA; M Plattner V; Dugue GP; Bokor H; Rousseau CV; Magloczky Z; Havas L; Hangya B; Wildner H; Zeilhofer HU; Dieudonne S; Acsady L ✉
A subcortical inhibitory signal for behavioral arrest in the thalamus.
NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 18: pp 562-568
Hangya B; Kepecs A ✉
Vision: how to train visual cortex to predict reward time.
CURRENT BIOLOGY 0960-9822 1879-0445 25: pp R490-R492
Hangya B ✉; Ranade SP; Lorenc M; Kepecs A
Central Cholinergic Neurons Are Rapidly Recruited by Reinforcement Feedback.
CELL 0092-8674 1097-4172 162: pp 1155-1168