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Clemente-Perez A; Makinson SR; Higashikubo B; Brovarney S; Cho FS; Urry A; Holden SS; Wimer M; David C; Fenno LE; Acsady L; Deisseroth K; Paz JT ✉  (2017) Distinct Thalamic Reticular Cell Types Differentially Modulate Normal and Pathological Cortical Rhythms CELL REPORTS 2211-1247 2211-1247 19: pp 2130-2142
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Acsady L ✉  (2017) The thalamic paradox. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 20: pp 901-902
Csoporthoz nem tartozó publikáció
Acsady L; Harris KD  (2017) Synaptic scaling in sleep SCIENCE 0036-8075 1095-9203 355: pp 457-457
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