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Hádinger Nóra ✉; Bősz Emília; Tóth Boglárka; Vantomme Gil; Lüthi Anita; Acsády László ✉  (2023) Region-selective control of the thalamic reticular nucleus via cortical layer 5 pyramidal cells NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 26: pp 116-130
László Acsády; Michael M. Halassa  (2022) Organization of Thalamic Inputs : pp 27-90
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Otsu Y; Darcq E; Pietrajtis K; Matyas F; Schwartz E; Bessaih T; Abi Gerges S; Rousseau C V; Grand T; Dieudonne S; Paoletti P; Acsady L; Agulhon C; Kieffer B L; Diana M A  (2019) Control of aversion by glycine-gated GluN1/GluN3A NMDA receptors in the adult medial habenula. SCIENCE 0036-8075 1095-9203 366: pp 250-254
Acsády L ✉  (2018) Heartless beat or beatless heart? NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 21: pp 649-651
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Mátyás F. ✉; Komlósi G.; Babiczky Á.; Kocsis K.; Barthó P.; Barsy B.; Dávid C.; Kanti V.; Porrero C.; Magyar A.; Szűcs I.; Clasca F.; Acsády L. ✉  (2018) A highly collateralized thalamic cell type with arousal-predicting activity serves as a key hub for graded state transitions in the forebrain NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 21: pp 1551-1562
Acsady L ✉  (2017) The thalamic paradox. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 20: pp 901-902
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Acsady L; Harris KD  (2017) Synaptic scaling in sleep SCIENCE 0036-8075 1095-9203 355: pp 457-457
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Clemente-Perez A; Makinson SR; Higashikubo B; Brovarney S; Cho FS; Urry A; Holden SS; Wimer M; David C; Fenno LE; Acsady L; Deisseroth K; Paz JT ✉  (2017) Distinct Thalamic Reticular Cell Types Differentially Modulate Normal and Pathological Cortical Rhythms CELL REPORTS 2211-1247 2211-1247 19: pp 2130-2142
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Fiath R; Beregszaszi P; Horvath D; Wittner L; Aarts AA; Ruther P; Neves HP; Bokor H; Acsady L; Ulbert I ✉  (2016) Large-scale recording of thalamocortical circuits: in vivo electrophysiology with the two-dimensional electronic depth control silicon probe JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 0022-3077 1522-1598 116: pp 2312-2330
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Halassa MM ✉; Acsady L  (2016) Thalamic Inhibition: Diverse Sources, Diverse Scales. TRENDS IN NEUROSCIENCES 0166-2236 1878-108X 39: pp 680-693
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Giber K; Diana MA; M Plattner V; Dugue GP; Bokor H; Rousseau CV; Magloczky Z; Havas L; Hangya B; Wildner H; Zeilhofer HU; Dieudonne S; Acsady L ✉  (2015) A subcortical inhibitory signal for behavioral arrest in the thalamus. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 18: pp 562-568
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Kittel Ágnes; Acsády László  (2015) A talamusz titkai. Beszélgetés Acsády László professzorral TERMÉSZET VILÁGA 0040-3717 146: pp 338-340
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Komlósi G; Porrero C; Barthó P; Babiczky Á; Dávid Cs; Barsy B; Clasca F; Acsády L; Mátyás F  (2015) Quantitative control of arousal via the midline thalamic nuclei : Paper 167.13/V4. 1 p.
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Groh A; Bokor H; Mease RA; Plattner VM; Hangya B; Stroh A; Deschenes M; Acsady L  (2014) Convergence of Cortical and Sensory Driver Inputs on Single Thalamocortical Cells. CEREBRAL CORTEX 1047-3211 1460-2199 24: pp 3167-3179
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Rovo Z; Matyas F*; Bartho P; Slezia A; Lecci S; Pellegrini C; Astori S; David C; Hangya B; Luthi A; Acsady L ✉  (2014) Phasic, nonsynaptic GABA-A receptor-mediated inhibition entrains thalamocortical oscillations. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 34: pp 7137-7147
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Barthó P; Slézia A; Mátyás F; Faradzs-Zade L; Ulbert I; Harris KD; Acsády L  (2014) Ongoing network state controls the length of sleep spindles via inhibitory activity NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 82: pp 1367-1379
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Matyas F; Lee J; Shin HS; Acsady L  (2014) The fear circuit of the mouse forebrain: connections between the mediodorsal thalamus, frontal cortices and basolateral amygdala. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 39: pp 1810-1823
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Acsady L  (2014) A search for the searchlight - crossmodal interactions in the reticular thalamic nucleus (Commentary on Kimura). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 39: pp 1403-1404
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Rovo Z; Ulbert I; Acsady L  (2012) Drivers of the Primate Thalamus JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 32: pp 17894-17908
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Kim S; Matyas F; Lee S; Acsady L; Shin HS  (2012) Lateralization of observational fear learning at the cortical but not thalamic level in mice PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 0027-8424 1091-6490 109: pp 15497-15501
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Slezia A; Hangya B*; Ulbert I; Acsady L ✉  (2011) Phase advancement and nucleus-specific timing of thalamocortical activity during slow cortical oscillation JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 31: pp 607-617
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Horváth D; Fiáth R; Kerekes B P; Dombovári B; Acsády L; Seidl K; Herwik S; Paul O; Ruther P; Neves H P; Ulbert I  (2011) High channel count electrode system to investigate thalamocortical interactions PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCE 1877-0509 7: pp 178-179
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Acsady L; Bodor A; Rovo Z; Ulbert I; Giber K; Bokor H  (2010) Synaptic organization and activity of the basal ganglia recipient thalamic nuclei ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA HUNGARICA 0231-424X 1588-2683 97: pp 85-85
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Giber K; Slézia A; Bokor H; Bodor AL; Ludányi A; Katona I; Acsády L  (2008) Heterogeneous output pathways link the anterior pretectal nucleus with the zona incerta and the thalamus in rat JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 0021-9967 1096-9861 506: pp 122-140
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Wanaverbecq N; Bodor AL; Bokor H; Slezia A; Luthi A; Acsady L  (2008) Contrasting the functional properties of GABAergic axon terminals with single and multiple synapses in the thalamus JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 28: pp 11848-11861
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Bokor H; Acsady L; Deschenes M  (2008) Vibrissal responses of thalamic cells that project to the septal columns of the barrel cortex and to the second somatosensory area JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 28: pp 5169-5177
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Bodor AL; Giber K; Rovó Z; Ulbert I; Acsády L  (2008) Structural correlates of efficient GABAergic transmission in the basal ganglia-thalamus pathway JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 28: pp 3090-3102
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Barthó P; Slézia A*; Varga V; Bokor H; Pinault D; Buzsáki G; Acsády L ✉  (2007) Cortical control of zona incerta JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 27: pp 1670-1681
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Acsady L; Kali S  (2007) Models, structure, function: the transformation of cortical signals in the dentate gyrus PROGRESS IN BRAIN RESEARCH 0079-6123 1875-7855 163: pp 577-599
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