2023. december 18. hétfő
Viselkedésvizsgálati Egység eszközei
- Automated Training System for mice
- Doric Fiber photometry system
- IITC Rotarod for mice and rats
- IntelliCage for mice
- Optogenetics on freely moving, behaving animals
- Noldus EthoVision XT for animal tracking
- Laserglow lasers for optogenetic experiments (473 nm, 589 nm)
- Neurolux wireless optogenetic system
- Med Associates shuttle boxes for mice and rats
- MedAssociates operant conditioning boxes for mice and rats.
- SDI Acoustic startle boxes/pre-pulse inhibition for mice and rats
- Stereotaxic instrument + stereomicroscope + micromotor
- Fume hood and peristaltic pump
- Animal identification by RFID microchips (temparature measuring TRFID also available)
List of classic equipment:
- Openfield
- Y-maze
- T-maze
- Morris water maze
- Barnes maze
- 3-chamber sociability
- Light-dark boxes
- Elevated plus maze
- Hole board
- etc.