2023. január 1. vasárnap

Diák kutatási díjjak és ösztöndíjak



Szőnyi András – 2018 - summa cum laude, Szentágothai Neuroscience Ph.D. School 

Cserép Csaba– 2014 - summa cum laude, Szentágothai Neuroscience Ph.D. School

Szabadits Eszter– 2014 - summa cum laude, Szentágothai Neuroscience Ph.D. School

Katalin Eszter Sós – 2023 - summa cum laude, Szentágothai Neuroscience Ph.D. School



Krisztián Zichó – Szentágothai Neuroscience Ph.D. School - 2024

Boldizsár Balog; – Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Ph.D. School - 2025

Áron Orosz – Szentágothai Neuroscience Ph.D. School - 2026



• 2024: Krisztián Zichó - Semmelweis 250+ PhD Excellence Scholarship

• 2024: Áron Orosz – University Research Scholarship Program (EKÖP) 2024/25

• 2024: Albert Barth – János Bolyai Research fellowship 

• 2024: Réka Sebestény – Student of the month award National Scientists Academy 2024

• 2024: Réka Sebestény – Szent-Györgyi National Scientists Academy Scholarship 2024

• 2024: Tamás Zsoldos – Prime Minister's scholarship for 2nd place in the Student Olympics

• 2024: Tamás Zsoldos – Scholarship for the Young Talents of the Nation

• 2024: Tamás Zsoldos – University Research Scholarship Program (EKÖP) 2024/25

• 2024: Tamás Zsoldos – Szent-Györgyi National Scientists Academy Scholarship 2024

• 2023: Tamás Zsoldos – Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2023/24 

• 2023: Tamás Zsoldos – Scholarship of the Richter Gedeon Talentum Program 

• 2023: Réka Sebestény – Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2023/24 

• 2023: Áron Orosz – Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2023/24

• 2023: Krisztián Zichó - Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2023/24

• 2023: Krisztián Zichó – Scholarship of the Richter Gedeon Excellence Program 

• 2023: Krisztián Zichó - Semmelweis 250+ PhD Excellence Scholarship: 2023/1 & 2023/2

• 2023: Hunor Sebők – Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2023/24

• 2023: Réka Sebestény - Szent-Györgyi National Scientists Academy Scholarship 2023

• 2023: Hunor Sebők - Szent-Györgyi National Scientists Academy Scholarship 2023

• 2022: Hunor Sebők - Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2022/23

• 2022: Krisztián Zichó - Stephen W. Kuffler Research Scholarship 2022

• 2022: Krisztián Zichó - Semmelweis 250+ PhD Excellence Scholarship: 2022/1 & 2022/2

• 2022: Krisztián Zichó - Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2022/23

• 2022: Hunor Sebők - Szent-Györgyi National Scientists Academy Scholarship 2022

• 2022: Réka Sebestény - Szent-Györgyi National Scientists Academy Scholarship 2022

2021: Hunor Sebők - National Higher Education Scholarship 2021/2022

2021: Hunor Sebők - Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2021/22

2021: Krisztián Zichó - Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2021/22

2021: Krisztián Zichó - Semmelweis 250+ PhD Excellence Scholarship 

2021: Krisztián Zichó - Semmelweis University 250+  Scholarship

2021: Krisztián Zichó - Semmelweis University Award for Excellent Science Studies

2021: Áron Orosz – PPKE University Scientific Excellence Scholarship 2021

2020: Áron Orosz – PPKE University Scientific Excellence Scholarship 2020

2020: Ábel Major - National Higher Education Scholarship 2020/2021

2020: Ábel Major - Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2020/21

2020: Hunor Sebők - Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2020/21

2020: Boldizsár Balog - Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2020/21

2020: Krisztián Zichó - Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2020/21

2020: Krisztián Zichó - Semmelweis University Scientific Scholarship

2020: Krisztián Zichó – Aladár Beznák commemorative medal 2020

2020: Mayer Márton - Neuronus 2020 IBRO Neuroscience Forum travel scholarship

2020: Krisztián Zichó - Semmelweis University Rector Science Competition. 1st prize

2020: Krisztián Zichó - Semmelweis University Publication Award

2020: Krisztián Zichó - Semmelweis 250+  PhD Excellence Scholarship

2020: Hunor Sebők - National Youth Science and Innovation Talent Competition 2nd Prize

2019: Sós Katalin Eszter - SE Doctoral School Scholarship: EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00009

2019: Krisztián Zichó - National Higher Education Scholarship 2019/2020

2019: Ábel Major - National Higher Education Scholarship 2019/2020

2019: Márton Mayer - Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2019/20

2019: Major Ábel - Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP-19-2) 2019/20

2019: Márton Mayer - Neuromodulation of Neural Microcircuits conf. travel scholarship

2019: Zsuzsanna Bardóczi - American Hungarian Academics Assoc. SfN Conf. travel scholarship

2019: Márton Mayer - ISN-ASN Meeting Travel scholarship

2019: Márton Mayer - ISN Advanced School Travel Scholarship

2019: Krisztián Zichó - Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2019/20

2019: Krisztián Zichó - Hungarian Anat. Society special prize, National Medical Science Conf.

2019 :Major Ábel - Hungarian Anatomical Society special prize, National Medical TDK

2018: Zsuzsanna Bardóczi - Hungarian Electron Microscopy Award

2018: Márton Mayer - FutureUp PhD Neuroscience Symposium travel scholarship

2018 Krisztián Zichó - National Higher Education Scholarship 2018/2019

2018: Major Ábel - Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP-18-2) 2018/19

2018: Krisztián Zichó - Scholarship of the New National Program of Excellence (ÚNKP) 2018/19

2017: Balázs Pósfai - Medical National TDK- Pro Scientia Gold Medalists Special Award

2017: András Szőnyi - National Talent Program Scholarship, Ministry of Human Resources

2017: András Szőnyi - FENS Travel Scholarship, Japan Neuroscience Conference 

2017: András Szőnyi - FENS Travel Scholarship, FENS Conference

2016: Mayer Marton - Republic Scholarship 2016/17

2016: Balázs Pósfai - Republic Scholarship 2016/17

2016: Mayer Marton -National Excellence Program Award 

2016: Balázs Pósfai - National Excellence Program Award 

2016: Balázs Pósfai - Stephen W. Kuffler Research Scholarship

2015: Mayer Marton - Republic Scholarship 2015/16

2015: Balázs Pósfai - Republic Scholarship 2015/16

2015: Hegedüs Panna - Republic Scholarship 2015/16

2015: Csaba Cserép - Academic Youth Award

2014: Mayer Marton - Stephen W. Kuffler Research Fellowship

2014: Mayer Marton - Republic Scholarship 2014/15

2014: Balázs Pósfai - Republic Scholarship 2014/15

2013: András Szőnyi - National Excellence Program Award 

2012: András Szőnyi - Republic Scholarship 2012/13

2011: András Szőnyi - Republic Scholarship 2011/12

2010: Csaba Cserép: - Semmelweis University, Excellent Research Student Award

2009: Csaba Cserép - Republic Scholarship 2009/2010

2009: Eszter Szabadits -Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship Award

2008: Eszter Szabadits, Csaba Cserép - Award of the Hungarian Microscopy Society

2008: Eszter Szabadits - Semmelweis University, Excellent Student Award

2007: Eszter Szabadits - Republic Scholarship 2007/08

2007 Eszter Szabadits - Scholarship of IFMSA "Research Exchange Program"

2006 Szabadits Eszter - Republic Scholarship 2006/07

2006 Eszter Szabadits, Csaba Cserép - Award of the Hungarian Microscopic Society

2005 Szabadits Eszter - Republic Scholarship 2005/2006



• 2024: Krisztián Zichó - Semmelweis University PhD Science Days, Presentation, 1st prize

• 2024: Réka Sebestény - University Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 1st prize

• 2024: Réka Sebestény - Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum: 3rd prize

• 2024: Hunor Sebők - University Scientific Report Award, 2nd prize

• 2023: Réka Sebestény - National Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 1st prize 

• 2023: Réka Sebestény - Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum: 1st prize

• 2023: Krisztián Zichó - Semmelweis University PhD Science Days, Presentation, 1st prize

• 2023: Hunor Sebők - University Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 1st prize 

• 2022: Ábel Major - Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum: 1st prize

• 2022: Krisztián Zichó - NIN Neurotechnology Summer School – Poster 1st prize

• 2022: Réka Sebestény - Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum: 3rd prize

• 2022: Réka Sebestény - National Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 1st prize

• 2022: Hunor Sebők - Semmelweis International Student Conference, 1st prize 

• 2022: Krisztián Zichó – HunDoc Hungarian PhD Conference, presentation 1st prize

• 2022: Krisztián Zichó – IBRO National Conference, Poster 3rd prize

2021: Hunor Sebők - National Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 1st prize

2021: Hunor Sebők - University Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 3rd prize

2021: Krisztián Zichó – National Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 2nd prize

2021: Krisztián Zichó – Inst. Exp. Medicine Young Sci. Network Presentation, 1st prize

2021: Krisztián Zichó – Semmelweis University PhD Science Days, Presentation, 1st prize

2021: Krisztián Zichó – Semmelweis University Rector Essay, 1st prize

2020: Boldizsár Balog – BME Univ. Biomechatronic Scientific Report Award 1st prize

2020: Hunor Sebők – 29th National Innovation Competition 2nd prize

2020: Ábel Major– University Scientific Report Award, Neurosciences: 1st prize

2020: Marton Mayer – Semmelweis University PhD Science Days, Presentation, 1st prize

2020: Krisztián Zichó – University Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 1st prize

2019: Krisztián Zichó - National Scientific Report Award, Medicine: (co-author) 2nd prize

2019: Gönczi Roland - National Scientific Report Award, Medicine: (co-author) 1st prize

2019: Major Ábel - National Scientific Report Award, Medicine: (co-author) 2nd prize

2019: Major Ábel – University Scientific Report Award, Neurosciences (co-author): 2nd prize

2019: Major Ábel - University Scientific Report Award, Neurosciences: 3rd prize

2019: Krisztián Zichó - University Scientific Report Award, Neurosciences: 2nd prize

2019: Krisztián Zichó - Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum: 1st prize

2018: Krisztián Zichó - University Scientific Report Award, Neurosciences: 1st prize

2018: Roland Gönczi - University Scientific Report Award, Anatomy: 1st prize

2018: Krisztián Zichó - University Scientific Report Award, Neurosciences: (co-author) 1st prize

2018: Roland Gönczi - University Scientific Report Award, Neurosciences: 1st prize

2018: Krisztián Zichó - XXIII. Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum, 1st prize

2017: Balázs Pósfai - National Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 1st prize

2017: Balázs Pósfai - University Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 1st prize

2015: Mayer Marton - National Scientific Report Award, Biology: 1st prize

2015: Mayer Marton - National Scientific Report Award, Medicine: Special Award

2015: Balázs Pósfai - University Scientific Report Award, Neurosciences: 1st prize

2015: Balázs Pósfai - Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum, 2nd prize

2015: Mayer Marton - 12th Multinational Congress on Microscopy - Poster Award

2014: Mayer Marton - University Scientific Report Award, Neurosciences: 1st prize

2014: Mayer Marton - University Scientific Report Award, Veterinary Medicine, 1st prize

2014: Panna Hegedüs - University Scientific Report Award, Neurosciences: 2nd prize

2014: Balázs Pósfai - University Scientific Report Award, Neurosciences: 3rd prize

2014: Mayer Marton - Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum, 1st prize

2014: Balázs Pósfai - Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum, 3rd prize

2014: Mayer Marton - Semmelweis International PhD, Conference Poster, 1st prize 

2013: Balázs Pósfai - National Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 1st prize

2013: Balázs Pósfai - University Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 1st prize

2013: András Szőnyi - National Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 3rd prize

2013: Balázs Pósfai - Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum, 3rd prize

2012: András Szőnyi - National Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 1st prize 

2012: Csaba Cserép - Semmelweis University PhD Science Days, Conference Poster, 1st prize

2011: András Szőnyi - National Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 3rd prize

2011: András Szőnyi - University Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 3rd prize

2011: András Szőnyi - XVI. Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum, 2nd  place

2010: András Szőnyi, Csaba Cserép - University Scientific Report Award, Medicine: 1st prize

2010: Cserép Csaba - People's Friendship Univ. of Moscow, Scientific Conference: 1st prize

2010: Eszter Szabadits, András Szőnyi - XV. Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum, 2nd  prize

2010: András Szőnyi, Csaba Cserép - XV. Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum, Special prize

2007: Eszter Szabadits, Csaba Cserép - University Scientific Report Award, 2nd prize

2007: Eszter Szabadits, Csaba Cserép - XII. Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum, 1st  prize

2007: Eszter Szabadits, Csaba Cserép - XI. MITT Congress Poster Award, 1st  prize

2006: Eszter Szabadits, Csaba Cserép - XI. Frigyes Korányi Scientific Forum, Special prize

2005: Eszter Szabadits, Csaba Cserép - University Scientific Report Award: 1st prize

2005: Eszter Szabadits, Csaba Cserép - X. MITT Congress Poster Award, 1st  prize


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