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Katona I; Sperlágh B; Maglóczky Z; Sántha E; Köfalvi A; Czirják S; Mackie K; Vizi ES; Freund TF ✉  (2000) GABAergic interneurons are the targets of cannabinoid actions in the human hippocampus NEUROSCIENCE 0306-4522 1873-7544 100: pp 797-804
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Calignano A; Kátona I; Désarnaud F; Giuffrida A; La Rana G; Mackie K; Freund TF; Piomelli D  (2000) Bidirectional control of airway responsiveness by endogenous cannabinoids NATURE 0028-0836 1476-4687 408: pp 96-101
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Hájos N; Katona I; Naiem SS; Mackie K; Ledent C; Mody I; Freund TF ✉  (2000) Cannabinoids inhibit hippocampal GABAergic transmission and network oscillations EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 12: pp 3239-3249
Acsády L; Katona I; Martinez-Guijarro FJ; Buzsáki Gy; Freund TF  (2000) Unusual target selectivity of perisomatic inhibitory cells in the hilar region of the rat hippocampus JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 20: pp 6907-6919
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