Összes publikáció
1-30 elem, összesen: 62
Biro L. ✉; Miskolczi C.*; Szebik H.; Bruzsik B.; Varga Z.K.; Szente L.; Toth M.; Halasz J.; Mikics E. ✉
Post-weaning social isolation in male mice leads to abnormal aggression and disrupted network organization in the prefrontal cortex: Contribution of parvalbumin interneurons with or without perineuronal nets
NEUROBIOLOGY OF STRESS 2352-2895 2352-2895 25: Paper 100546. 21 p.
Bruzsik Biborka; Biro Laszlo; Zelena Dora; Sipos Eszter; Szebik Huba; Sarosdi Klara Rebeka; Horvath Orsolya; Farkas Imre; Csillag Veronika; Finszter Cintia Klaudia; Mikics Eva**; Toth Mate ✉
Somatostatin neurons of the bed nucleus of stria terminalis enhance associative fear memory consolidation in mice
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 41: pp 1982-1995
Bruzsik Biborka; Biro Laszlo; Sarosdi Klara Rebeka; Zelena Dora; Sipos Eszter; Szebik Huba; Török Bibiána; Mikics Eva**; Toth Mate ✉
Neurochemically distinct populations of the bed nucleus of stria terminalis modulate innate fear response to weak threat evoked by predator odor stimuli
NEUROBIOLOGY OF STRESS 2352-2895 2352-2895 15: Paper 100415. 11 p.
Varga Zoltán Kristóf ✉; Pejtsik Diána; Biró László; Zsigmond Áron; Varga Máté; Tóth Blanka; Salamon Vilmos; Annus Tamás; Mikics Éva; Aliczki Manó ✉
Conserved Serotonergic Background of Experience-Dependent Behavioral Responsiveness in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 40: pp 4551-4564
Balogh Zoltan; Szente Laszlo; Biro Laszlo; Varga Zoltan K; Haller Jozsef; Aliczki Mano ✉
Endocannabinoid interactions in the regulation of acquisition of contextual conditioned fear
Fazekas Csilla Lea; Balázsfi Diána*; Horváth Hanga Réka; Balogh Zoltán; Aliczki Manó; Puhova Agnesa; Balagova Lucia; Chmelova Magdalena; Jezova Daniela; Haller József; Zelena Dóra
Consequences of VGluT3 deficiency on learning and memory in mice
PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR 0031-9384 212: Paper 112688. 11 p.
Varga Z.K.; Zsigmond Á.; Pejtsik D.; Varga M.; Demeter K.; Mikics É.; Haller J.; Aliczki M. ✉
The swimming plus-maze test: a novel high-throughput model for assessment of anxiety-related behaviour in larval and juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio)
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2045-2322 8: Paper 16590. 11 p.
Mikics E; Guirado R*; Umemori J; Toth M; Biro L; Miskolczi C; Balazsfi D; Zelena D; Castren E ✉; Haller J**; Karpova NN
Social Learning Requires Plasticity Enhanced by Fluoxetine Through Prefrontal Bdnf-TrkB Signaling to Limit Aggression Induced by Post-Weaning Social Isolation
NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 0893-133X 1470-634X 43: pp 235-245
Biro Laszlo; Sipos Eszter; Bruzsik Biborka; Farkas Imre; Zelena Dora; Balazsfi Diana; Toth Mate**; Haller Jozsef ✉
Task division within the prefrontal cortex: distinct neuron populations selectively control different aspects of aggressive behavior via the hypothalamus
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 38: pp 4065-4075
Biro L; Toth M; Sipos E; Bruzsik B; Tulogdi A; Bendahan S; Sandi C; Haller J ✉
Structural and functional alterations in the prefrontal cortex after post-weaning social isolation: relationship with species-typical and deviant aggression
BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 1863-2653 1863-2661 222: pp 1861-1875
Mikics E ✉; Toth M*; Biro L; Bruzsik B; Nagy B; Haller J
The role of GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors in short- and long-term fear recall
PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR 0031-9384 1873-507X 177: pp 44-48
Aliczki M; Barna I; Till I; Baranyi M; Sperlagh B; Goldberg SR; Haller J ✉
The effects anandamide signaling in the prelimbic cortex and basolateral amygdala on coping with environmental stimuli in rats.
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 0033-3158 1432-2072 233: pp 1889-1899
Aliczki Mano; Haller Jozsef; Martin Colin R; Preedy Victor R; Patel Vinood B
Electric Shock as Model of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Rodents
: pp 1553-1571
Zelena D ✉; Mikics É*; Balázsfi D; János Varga; Klausz B; Urbán E; Sipos E; Biró L; Miskolczi C; Kovács K; Ferenczi S; Haller J
Enduring abolishment of remote but not recent expression of conditioned fear by the blockade of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors before extinction training
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 0033-3158 1432-2072 233: pp 2065-2076
Aliczki M; Haller J ✉; Campolongo Patrizia; Fattore Liana
Interactions between cannabinoid signaling and anxiety: A comparative analysis of intervention tools and behavioral effects
: pp 73-96
Aliczki M; Varga ZK; Balogh Z; Haller J
Involvement of 2-arachidonoylglycerol signaling in social challenge responding of male CD1 mice
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 0033-3158 1432-2072 232: pp 2157-2167
Tulogdi A; Biro L; Barsvari B; Stankovic M; Haller J ✉; Toth M
Neural mechanisms of predatory aggression in rats-implications for abnormal intraspecific aggression
BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH 0166-4328 1872-7549 283: pp 108-115
Tulogdi A; Tóth M; Barsvári B; Biró L; Mikics E; Haller J
Effects of resocialization on post-weaning social isolation-induced abnormal aggression and social deficits in rats
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 0012-1630 1098-2302 56: pp 49-57
Haller J; Aliczki M; Pelczer KG; Spitzer K; Balogh Z; Kantor S
Effects of the fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor URB597 on coping behavior under challenging conditions in mice
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 0033-3158 1432-2072 231: pp 593-601
Fodor A; Barsvari B; Aliczki M ✉; Balogh Z; Zelena D; Goldberg Steven R.; Haller J
The effects of vasopressin deficiency on aggression and impulsiveness in male and female rats
PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 0306-4530 1873-3360 47: pp 141-150
Aliczki M ✉; Fodor A; Balogh Z; Haller J; Zelena D
The effects of lactation on impulsive behavior in vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rats.
HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR 0018-506X 1095-6867 66: pp 545-551
Haller J; Aliczki M; Gyimesine Pelczer K
Classical and novel approaches to the preclinical testing of anxiolytics: A critical evaluation
NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS 0149-7634 1873-7528 37: pp 2318-2330
Aliczki M; Zelena D; Mikics E; Varga ZK; Pinter O; Bakos NV; Varga J; Haller J
Monoacylglycerol lipase inhibition-induced changes in plasma corticosterone levels, anxiety and locomotor activity in male CD1 mice
HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR 0018-506X 1095-6867 63: pp 752-758
Haller J; Goldberg SR; Pelczer KG; Aliczki M; Panlilio LV
The effects of anandamide signaling enhanced by the FAAH inhibitor URB597 on coping styles in rats.
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 0033-3158 1432-2072 230: pp 353-362
Haller J; Alicki M
Current animal models of anxiety, anxiety disorders, and anxiolytic drugs
CURRENT OPINION IN PSYCHIATRY 0951-7367 1473-6578 25: pp 59-64
Adamec R; Toth M; Haller J; Halasz J; Blundell J
A comparison of activation patterns of cells in selected prefrontal cortical and amygdala areas of rats which are more or less anxious in response to predator exposure or submersion stress
PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR 0031-9384 1873-507X 105: pp 628-638
Adamec R; Toth M; Haller J; Halasz J; Blundell J
Activation patterns of cells in selected brain stem nuclei of more and less stress responsive rats in two animal models of PTSD - Predator exposure and submersion stress
NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 0028-3908 1873-7064 62: pp 725-736
Toth M; Tulogdi A; Biro L; Soros P; Mikics E; Haller J
The neural background of hyper-emotional aggression induced by post-weaning social isolation
BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH 0166-4328 1872-7549 233: pp 120-129
Tulogdi A; Soros P; Toth M; Nagy R; Biro L; Aliczki M; Klausz B; Mikics E; Haller J
Temporal changes in c-Fos activation patterns induced by conditioned fear
BRAIN RESEARCH BULLETIN 0361-9230 1873-2747 88: pp 359-370
Panlilio LV; Justinova Z; Mascia P; Pistis M; Luchicchi A; Lecca S; Barnes C; Redhi GH; Adair J; Heishman SJ; Yasar S; Aliczki M; Haller J; Goldberg SR
Novel use of a lipid-lowering fibrate medication to prevent nicotine reward and relapse: preclinical findings
NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 0893-133X 1470-634X 37: pp 1838-1847