Összes publikáció

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Aliczki M; Haller J ✉; Campolongo Patrizia; Fattore Liana  (2015) Interactions between cannabinoid signaling and anxiety: A comparative analysis of intervention tools and behavioral effects : pp 73-96
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Aliczki M; Varga ZK; Balogh Z; Haller J  (2015) Involvement of 2-arachidonoylglycerol signaling in social challenge responding of male CD1 mice PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 0033-3158 1432-2072 232: pp 2157-2167
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Tulogdi A; Biro L; Barsvari B; Stankovic M; Haller J ✉; Toth M  (2015) Neural mechanisms of predatory aggression in rats-implications for abnormal intraspecific aggression BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH 0166-4328 1872-7549 283: pp 108-115
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