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1-3 elements, in total: 3
Chiovini B; Turi GF; Katona G; Kaszas A; Palfi D; Maak P; Szalay G; Szabo MF; Szabo G; Szadai Z; Kali S; Rozsa B
Dendritic spikes induce ripples in parvalbumin interneurons during hippocampal sharp waves.
NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 82: pp 908-924
Tonnesen J; Katona G; Rozsa B; Nagerl UV
Spine neck plasticity regulates compartmentalization of synapses.
NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 17: pp 678-685
Kerekes Bálint Péter; Tóth Kinga; Kaszás Attila; Chiovini Balázs; Szadai Zoltán; Szalay Gergely; Pálfi Dénes; Bagó Attila; Spitzer Klaudia; Rózsa Balázs; Ulbert István ✉; Wittner Lucia
Combined two-photon imaging, electrophysiological, and anatomical investigation of the human neocortex in vitro
NEUROPHOTONICS 2329-423X 2329-4248 1: Paper 011013. 10 p.