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Another step towards understanding the human hippocampus and its diseases

The hippocampus is not only known to be crucial for learning and memory processes, but also for neurological and psychiatric disorders and diseases such as schizophrenia, epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease. Nevertheless, our knowledge of the human hippocampus is still incomplete. Taken as a whole, the findings of Gábor Nyiri's group, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, are fundamental and filling a gap - and some of them are beautiful. That's why the journal's editorial board chose one of their micrographs as the cover photo. 


Research groups

In the 20 research groups of the institute 102 researcher, 39 PhD student and several student research assistants work

News, articles

Research areas

Research projects in the Institute are ordered into 5 strategical directions: stress, memory, endocrine systems, the relationship between the nervous and immune system, the neuroscience of social behavior
Publications (2023)
8 276
Citations (2023)
PhD students

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