Our excellent PhD supervisor: Balázs Hangya diakép
Three questions to Ádám Dénes, the third EMBO member of our institute diakép
On astrocytes and the discovery of a new cell division mechanism diakép
How does the brain learn from negative experiences? diakép
The effect of cannabis on synapses diakép

Our excellent PhD supervisor: Balázs Hangya

There are not only many types of people, but also many types of awards, and the high science of statistics has proven that once you've won a great award, it's easier to win another. However, the award that Balázs Hangya received on 10 July at Semmelweis University is not one of the more commonly known types of award. So much so that Balázs did not even know it existed.


Research groups

In the 20 research groups of the institute 102 researcher, 39 PhD student and several student research assistants work

News, articles

Research areas

Research projects in the Institute are ordered into 5 strategical directions: stress, memory, endocrine systems, the relationship between the nervous and immune system, the neuroscience of social behavior
Publications (2023)
8 276
Citations (2023)
PhD students

Our partners