Research groups

In the 20 research groups of the institute 102 researcher, 39 PhD student and several student research assistants work
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Biological Computation Research Group

Head of laboratoryBalázs Ujfalussy
From biophysics to single neuron and network dynamics using computational models.

Molecular Neuroendocrinology Research Group

Head of laboratoryKrisztina Kovács
Our research focus is to understand the neurobiological basis of stress response. We are also interested in how the microbiome affects host endocrine functions and
stress reactivity.

Network Neurophysiology Research Group

Head of laboratoryNorbert Hájos
The aim of our research team is to understand the logic underlying circuit operation in neuronal networks.

Translational Behavioural Neuroscience Research Group

Head of laboratoryÉva Mikics
Translational Behavioural Neuroscience Research Group

Molecular Pharmacology Research Group

Head of laboratoryBeáta Sperlágh
Our main scientific mission is to understand how inflammation affect the development of psychiatric disorders and to develop novel purinergic and neuroimmunomodulatory strategies to combat brain diseases.

Neuronal Network and Behavior Research Group

Head of laboratoryFerenc Mátyás, Dr
We are driven to understand emotional brain circuits and their malfunctions.

Endocrine Neurobiology Research Group

Head of laboratoryZsolt Prof. Liposits
Neuronal regulation of endocrine functions

Molecular Cell Metabolism Research Group

Head of laboratoryBalázs Gereben, Dr.
The major aim of the group is to study thyroid hormone economy in the brain and coupled peripheries.

Reproductive Neurobiology Research Group

Head of laboratoryErik Hrabovszky
Research in the Reproductive Neurobiology Research Group aims to provide a better understanding into the central regulation of the reproductive axis.

Cellular Neuropharmacology Research Group

Head of laboratoryJános Szabadics
Our passion is understanding electrical signaling in hippocampal axons. What single axons can do? How do they do it?

Cerebral Cortex Research Group

Head of laboratoryGábor Nyiri
Neural networks, representations and models.
We explore the contributions of subcortical regions to higher-order cognitive functions in the brain.

Systems Neuroscience Research Group

Head of laboratoryBalázs Hangya
The aim of our research is how different neuron types of subcortical centers mediate cognitive processes such as attention, learning and memory.

Integrative Neuroendocrinology Research Group

Head of laboratoryCsaba Fekete
Our goal is to understand the central regulation of the energy homeostasis and the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis

Neuronal Signaling Research Group

Head of laboratoryJudit Makara
Our focus is to understand how the active, voltage dependent properties of dendrites and dendritic spines contribute to information processing on the single cell and network level during physiologically relevant learning-related behaviors.

Molecular Neurobiology Research Group

Head of laboratoryIstván Katona
Our work aims to understand the processes that regulate communication between neurons. We investigate the molecular structure and physiological role of the mechanisms responsible for the variability of neural signalling.