Mission statement

Wednesday, 6 July, 2022

The primary mission of the Institute is
-to generate new knowledge and discoveries about the nervous system
-to provide the human and financial resources needed to support these discoveries
-to make them widely known in the society
-and to foster the industrial applications of the discoveries

The Institute's research strategy is focused on the following neuroscience issues:


These are both hot areas of research with significant breakthrough potential and address a wide range of social and health problems that cause serious financial losses and major social problems for the  Hungarian society.

 The neurological and psychiatric diseases involved in these research areas are serious, long-lasting and currently incurable diseases (schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, chronic pain, stroke), which impose a very heavy burden on families and social security and cause a major financial loss to the economy due to the loss of labour.
The Institute's mission is to generate research results in these areas that can bring us closer to solving these problems.
KOKI is first and foremost a knowledge centre, a research base.
 Its staff provide a critical mass of knowledge and methodology for understanding the nervous system, This knowledge base is an invaluable national treasure, the maintenance of which is a major responsibility of the institution and its sponsor.  To exploit this treasure, the Institute's staff are at the forefront of quality postgraduate training, education, liaison with industry and clinicians.

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