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1-6 elements, in total: 6
Hu Hai Yin; Kruijssen Dennis L. H.; Frias Catia P.; Rozsa Balazs; Hoogenraad Casper C.; Wierenga Corette J.
Endocannabinoid Signaling Mediates Local Dendritic Coordination between Excitatory and Inhibitory Synapses
CELL REPORTS 2211-1247 27: pp 666-+
Jancsó Attila; Kovács Ervin; Cseri Levente; Rózsa Balázs J; Galbács Gábor; Csizmadia Imre G; Mucsi Zoltán ✉
Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of novel GFP chromophore analogues based on aminoimidazolone derivatives
Zürn M.; Tóth G.; Kraszni M.; Sólyomváry A.; Mucsi Z.; Deme R.; Rózsa B.; Fodor B.; Molnár-Perl I.; Horváti K.; Bősze S.; Pályi B.; Kis Z.; Béni S.; Noszál B.; Boldizsár I. ✉
Galls of European Fraxinus trees as new and abundant sources of valuable phenylethanoid and coumarin glycosides
INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS 0926-6690 139: Paper 111517. 9 p.
Orbán Gábor; Meszéna Domokos; Tasnády Kinga Réka; Rózsa Balázs; Ulbert István; Márton Gergely
Method for spike detection from microelectrode array recordings contaminated by artifacts of simultaneous two-photon imaging
PLOS ONE 1932-6203 14: p. e0221510. 16 p.
Marosi Mate; Szalay Gergely; Katona Gergely; Rózsa Balázs; Hartveit Espen
High-Speed, Random-Access Multiphoton Microscopy for Monitoring Synaptic and Neuronal Activity in 3D in Behaving Animals
: pp 335-362 Paper Chapter 14.
Szalay G. ✉; Szadai Z.; Judák L.; Maák P.; Ócsai K.; Veress M.; Tompa T.; Chiovini B.; Katona G.; Rózsa B.; Optica Publishing szerk.
Fast 3D imaging and photostimulation by 3D acousto-optical microscopy revealed spatiotemporally orchestrated clusters in the visual cortex
: Paper BM3A.1..