All publications

1-5 elements, in total: 5
Ruska Yvette; Peterfi Zoltan; Szilvasy-Szabo Anett; Kovari Dora; Hrabovszky Erik; Doroghazi Beata; Gereben Balazs; Toth Blanka; Matziari Magdalini; Wittmann Gabor; Fekete Csaba ✉  (2024) GLP-1 Receptor Signaling Has Different Effects on the Perikarya and Axons of the Hypophysiotropic Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone Synthesizing Neurons in Male Mice THYROID 1050-7256 1557-9077 34: pp 252-260
Szécsi Balázs; Sinkó Richárd; Vereb Alexandra; Khochanskiy Dmitry; Benke Kálmán; Radovits Tamás; Lakatos Bálint; Kőszegi Andrea; Losoncz Eszter; Kugler Szilvia; Szabó Márk; Merkely Béla; Székely Andrea ✉; Gereben Balázs ✉  (2024) The perioperative period of heart transplantation is affected by thyroid hormone status THYROID 1050-7256 1557-9077 34: pp 774-784
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Ruska Yvette; Csibi Andrea; Dorogházi Beáta; Szilvásy-Szabó Anett; Mohácsik Petra; Környei Zsuzsanna; Dénes Ádám; Kádár Andrea; Puskár Zita; Hrabovszky Erik; Gereben Balázs; Wittmann Gábor ✉; Fekete Csaba ✉  (2024) Topography of the GLP-1/GLP-1 receptor system in the spinal cord of male mice SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2045-2322 2045-2322 14: Paper 14403. 17 p.
Mohácsik Petra; Halmos Emese; Dorogházi Beáta; Ruska Yvette; Wittmann Gábor; Bianco Antonio C.; Fekete Csaba; Gereben Balázs ✉  (2024) The Musashi-1-Type 2 Deiodinase Pathway Regulates Astrocyte Proliferation JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 0021-9258 1083-351X : p. 107477. Paper 107477.
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Sinkó Richárd; Katkó Mónika; Tóth Géza; Kovács Gábor László; Dohán Orsolya; Fülöp Tibor; Costa Patrício; Dorogházi Beáta; Kővári Dóra; Nagy Endre V ✉; Fekete Csaba ✉; Gereben Balázs ✉  (2024) Novel biomarkers reveal mismatch between tissue and serum thyroid hormone status in amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 0021-972X 1945-7197 :
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