All publications

1-30 elements, in total: 89
Ruska Yvette; Peterfi Zoltan; Szilvasy-Szabo Anett; Kovari Dora; Hrabovszky Erik; Doroghazi Beata; Gereben Balazs; Toth Blanka; Matziari Magdalini; Wittmann Gabor; Fekete Csaba ✉  (2024) GLP-1 Receptor Signaling Has Different Effects on the Perikarya and Axons of the Hypophysiotropic Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone Synthesizing Neurons in Male Mice THYROID 1050-7256 1557-9077 34: pp 252-260
Szécsi Balázs; Sinkó Richárd; Vereb Alexandra; Khochanskiy Dmitry; Benke Kálmán; Radovits Tamás; Lakatos Bálint; Kőszegi Andrea; Losoncz Eszter; Kugler Szilvia; Szabó Márk; Merkely Béla; Székely Andrea ✉; Gereben Balázs ✉  (2024) The perioperative period of heart transplantation is affected by thyroid hormone status THYROID 1050-7256 1557-9077 34: pp 774-784
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Ruska Yvette; Csibi Andrea; Dorogházi Beáta; Szilvásy-Szabó Anett; Mohácsik Petra; Környei Zsuzsanna; Dénes Ádám; Kádár Andrea; Puskár Zita; Hrabovszky Erik; Gereben Balázs; Wittmann Gábor ✉; Fekete Csaba ✉  (2024) Topography of the GLP-1/GLP-1 receptor system in the spinal cord of male mice SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2045-2322 2045-2322 14: Paper 14403. 17 p.
Mohácsik Petra; Halmos Emese; Dorogházi Beáta; Ruska Yvette; Wittmann Gábor; Bianco Antonio C.; Fekete Csaba; Gereben Balázs ✉  (2024) The Musashi-1-Type 2 Deiodinase Pathway Regulates Astrocyte Proliferation JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 0021-9258 1083-351X : p. 107477. Paper 107477.
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Sinkó Richárd; Katkó Mónika; Tóth Géza; Kovács Gábor László; Dohán Orsolya; Fülöp Tibor; Costa Patrício; Dorogházi Beáta; Kővári Dóra; Nagy Endre V ✉; Fekete Csaba ✉; Gereben Balázs ✉  (2024) Novel biomarkers reveal mismatch between tissue and serum thyroid hormone status in amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 0021-972X 1945-7197 :
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Sinkó Richárd; Mohácsik Petra; Kővári Dóra; Penksza Veronika; Wittmann Gabor; Mácsai Lilla; Fonseca Tatiana L; Bianco Antonio Carlos; Fekete Csaba ✉; Gereben Balázs ✉  (2023) Different hypothalamic mechanisms control decreased circulating thyroid hormone levels in infection and fasting-induced Non-Thyroidal Illness Syndrome in male Thyroid Hormone Action Indicator Mice THYROID 1050-7256 1557-9077 33: pp 109-118
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Kozsurek Márk; Király Kornél*; Gyimesi Klára; Lukácsi Erika; Fekete Csaba; Gereben Balázs; Mohácsik Petra; Helyes Zsuzsanna; Bölcskei Kata; Tékus Valéria; Pap Károly; Szűcs Edina; Benyhe Sándor; Imre Tímea; Szabó Pál; Gajtkó Andrea; Holló Krisztina; Puskár Zita ✉  (2023) Unique, Specific CART Receptor-Independent Regulatory Mechanism of CART(55-102) Peptide in Spinal Nociceptive Transmission and Its Relation to Dipeptidyl-Peptidase 4 (DDP4) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1661-6596 1422-0067 24: Paper 918. 25 p.
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Salas-Lucia Federico; Fekete Csaba*; Sinko Richárd; Egri Péter; Rada Kristóf; Ruska Yvette; Gereben Balázs ✉; Bianco Antonio ✉  (2023) Axonal T3 uptake and transport can trigger thyroid hormone signaling in the brain ELIFE 2050-084X 2050-084X 12: Paper e82683. 18 p.
Sinkó R.; Mohácsik P.; Fekete C.** ✉; Gereben B. ✉  (2023) In vivo Characterization of Endocrine Disrupting Chemical Effects via Thyroid Hormone Action Indicator Mouse JOVE-JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS 1940-087X 1940-087X 2023: Paper 65657. 10 p.
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Batistuzzo Alice; Salas-Lucia Federico; Gereben Balázs; Ribeiro Miriam O; Bianco Antonio C  (2023) Sustained Pituitary T3 Production Explains the T4-mediated TSH Feedback Mechanism ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 164: Paper bqad155. 9 p.
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Ruska Yvette; Szilvásy-Szabó Anett*; Kővári Dóra; Kádár Andrea; Mácsai Lilla; Sinkó Richárd; Hrabovszky Erik; Gereben Balázs; Fekete Csaba ✉  (2022) Expression of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor in neuropeptide Y neurons of the arcuate nucleus in mice BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 1863-2653 1863-2661 227: pp 77-87
Kővári Dóra; Penksza Veronika; Szilvásy‐Szabó Anett; Sinkó Richárd; Gereben Balázs; Mackie Ken; Fekete Csaba ✉  (2022) Tanycyte specific ablation of diacylglycerol lipase alpha stimulates the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐thyroid axis by decreasing the endocannabinoid mediated inhibition of TRH release JOURNAL OF NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 0953-8194 1365-2826 34: Paper e13079. 9 p.
Liu Shengnan; Shen Siyi; Yan Ying; Sun Chao; Lu Zhiqiang; Feng Hua; Ma Yiruo; Tang Zhili; Yu Jing; Wu Yuting; Gereben Balázs; Mohácsik Petra; Fekete Csaba; Feng Xiaoyun; Yuan Feixiang; Guo Feifan; Hu Cheng; Shao Mengle; Gao Xin; Zhao Lin; Li Yuying; Jiang Jingjing; Ying Hao ✉  (2022) Triiodothyronine (T3) promotes brown fat hyperplasia via thyroid hormone receptor α mediated adipocyte progenitor cell proliferation NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 13: Paper 3394.
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Sánchez-Jaramillo Edith; Wittmann Gábor*; Menyhért Judit; Singru Praful; Gómez-González Gabriela B.; Sánchez-Islas Eduardo; Yáñez-Recendis Nashiely; Pimentel-Cabrera Jaime Arturo; León-Olea Martha; Gereben Balázs; Fekete Csaba; Charli Jean-Louis; Lechan Ronald M.  (2022) Origin of thyrotropin-releasing hormone neurons that innervate the tuberomammillary nuclei BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 1863-2653 1863-2661 227: pp 2329-2347
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Sinkó Richárd; Rada Kristóf; Kollár Anna; Mohácsik Petra; Tenk Miklós; Fekete Csaba; Gereben Balázs ✉  (2022) Tetrabromobisphenol A and Diclazuril Evoke Tissue-Specific Changes of Thyroid Hormone Signaling in Male Thyroid Hormone Action Indicator Mice INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1661-6596 1422-0067 23: Paper 14782. 16 p.
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Farkas Erzsébet; Szilvásy-Szabó Anett; Ruska Yvette; Sinkó Richárd; Rasch Morten Grønbech; Egebjerg Thomas; Pyke Charles; Gereben Balázs; Knudsen Lotte Bjerre; Fekete Csaba ✉  (2021) Distribution and ultrastructural localization of the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) in the rat brain BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 1863-2653 1863-2661 226: pp 225-245
Farkas Erzsébet; Varga Edina*; Kovács Balázs*; Szilvásy-Szabó Anett*; Cote-Vélez Antonieta; Péterfi Zoltán; Matziari Magdalini; Tóth Mónika; Zelena Dóra; Mezriczky Zsolt; Kádár Andrea; Kővári Dóra; Watanabe Masahiko; Kano Masanobu; Mackie Ken; Rózsa Balázs; Ruska Yvette; Tóth Blanka; Máté Zoltán; Erdélyi Ferenc; Szabó Gábor; Gereben Balázs; Lechan Ronald M.; Charli Jean-Louis; Joseph-Bravo Patricia; Fekete Csaba ✉  (2020) A glial-neuronal circuit in the median eminence regulates thyrotropin-releasing hormone-release via the endocannabinoid system. ISCIENCE 2589-0042 23: Paper 100921. 41 p.
Jo Sungro; Fonseca Tatiana L; Bocco Barbara M L C; Fernandes Gustavo W; McAninch Elizabeth A; Bolin Anaysa P; Da Conceição Rodrigo R; Werneck-de-Castro Joao Pedro; Ignacio Daniele L; Egri Péter; Németh Dorottya; Fekete Csaba; Bernardi Maria Martha; Leitch Victoria D; Mannan Naila S; Curry Katharine F; Butterfield Natalie C; Bassett J H Duncan; Williams Graham R; Gereben Balázs; Ribeiro Miriam O; Bianco Antonio C ✉  (2019) Type 2 deiodinase polymorphism causes ER stress and hypothyroidism in the brain. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 0021-9738 1558-8238 129: pp 230-245
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Bianco Antonio C ✉; Dumitrescu Alexandra; Gereben Balázs; Ribeiro Miriam O; Fonseca Tatiana L; Fernandes Gustavo W; Bocco Barbara M L C  (2019) Paradigms of Dynamic Control of Thyroid Hormone Signaling. ENDOCRINE REVIEWS 0163-769X 1945-7189 40: pp 1000-1047
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Fonseca Tatiana L; Fernandes Gustavo W; Bocco Barbara M L C; Keshavarzian Ali; Jakate Shriram; Donohue Terrence M; Gereben Balázs; Bianco Antonio C  (2019) Hepatic Inactivation of the Type 2 Deiodinase Confers Resistance to Alcoholic Liver Steatosis. ALCOHOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH 0145-6008 1530-0277 43: pp 1376-1383
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Varga Edina; Farkas Erzsébet; Zséli Györgyi; Kádár Andrea; Venczel Alexandra; Kővári Dóra; Németh Dorottya; Máté Zoltán; Erdélyi Ferenc; Horváth András; Szenci Ottó; Watanabe Masahiko; Lechan Ronald M; Gereben Balázs; Fekete Csaba  (2019) Thyrotropin-Releasing-Hormone-Synthesizing Neurons of the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Are Inhibited by Glycinergic Inputs THYROID 1050-7256 1557-9077 29: pp 1858-1868
Mohacsik P; Erdelyi F; Baranyi M; Botz B; Szabo G; Toth M; Haltrich I; Helyes Z; Sperlagh B; Toth Z; Sinko R; Lechan RM; Bianco AC; Fekete C ✉; Gereben B ✉  (2018) A transgenic mouse model for detection of tissue-specific thyroid hormone action ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 159: pp 1159-1171
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Fernandes Gustavo W.; Bocco Barbara M. L. C.; Fonseca TL; McAninch Elizabeth A.; Lartey Lattoya J.; O-Sullivan InSug; Unterman Terry G.; Preite Nailliw Z.; Voigt Robin M.; Forsyth Christopher B.; Keshavarzian Ali; Sinko Richard; Goldfine Allison B.; Patti Mary E.; Ribeiro Miriam O.; Gereben Balazs; Bianco Antonio C. ✉  (2018) The Foxo1-Inducible Transcriptional Repressor Zfp125 Causes Hepatic Steatosis and Hypercholesterolemia. CELL REPORTS 2211-1247 22: pp 523-534
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Wittmann G ✉; Farkas E; Szilvasy-Szabo A; Gereben B; Fekete C; Lechan RM  (2017) Variable proopiomelanocortin expression in tanycytes of the adult rat hypothalamus and pituitary stalk JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 0021-9967 1096-9861 525: pp 411-441
Ignacio DL; Silvestre DH; Anne-Palmer E; Bocco BM; Fonseca TL; Ribeiro MO; Gereben B; Bianco AC; Werneck-de-Castro JP  (2017) Early Developmental Disruption of Type 2 Deiodinase Pathway in Mouse Skeletal Muscle Does Not Impair Muscle Function. THYROID 1050-7256 1557-9077 27: pp 577-586
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Doleschall M ✉; Luczay A; Koncz K; Hadzsiev K; Erhardt E; Szilagyi A; Doleschall Z; Nemeth K; Torok D; Prohaszka Z; Gereben B; Fekete G; Glaz E; Igaz P; Korbonits M; Toth M; Racz K; Patocs A  (2017) A unique haplotype of RCCX copy number variation : from the clinics of congenital adrenal hyperplasia to evolutionary genetics. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 1018-4813 1476-5438 25: pp 702-710
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Remaud S; Ortiz FC; Perret-Jeanneret M; Aigrot MS; Gothie JD; Fekete C; Kvarta-Papp Z; Gereben B; Langui D; Lubetzki C; Angulo MC; Zalc B; Demeneix B  (2017) Transient hypothyroidism favors oligodendrocyte generation providing functional remyelination in the adult mouse brain. ELIFE 2050-084X 6: Paper e29996.
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Kollár A; Kvárta-Papp Z; Egri P; Gereben B  (2016) Different Types of Luciferase Reporters Show Distinct Susceptibility to T3-Evoked Downregulation. THYROID 1050-7256 1557-9077 26: pp 179-182
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Mohacsik P; Fuzesi T; Doleschall M; Szilvasy-Szabó A; Vancamp P; Hadadi E; Darras VM; Fekete C; Gereben B ✉  (2016) IIncreased Thyroid Hormone Activation Accompanies the Formation of Thyroid Hormone-Dependent Negative Feedback in Developing Chicken Hypothalamus ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 157: pp 1211-1221
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Egri P; Fekete C; Denes A; Reglodi D; Hashimoto H; Fulop BD; Gereben B ✉  (2016) Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) regulates the hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis via type 2 deiodinase in male mice. ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 157: pp 2356-2366
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