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1-3 elements, in total: 3
Cserép C.; Pósfai B.; Dénes Ádám ✉
Shaping Neuronal Fate: Functional Heterogeneity of Direct Microglia-Neuron Interactions
NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 109: pp 222-240
Heindl S.; Ricci A.; Carofiglio O.; Zhou Q.; Arzberger T.; Lenart N.; Franzmeier N.; Hortobagyi T.; Nelson P.T.; Stowe A.M.; Denes A.; Edbauer D.; Liesz A. ✉
Chronic T cell proliferation in brains after stroke could interfere with the efficacy of immunotherapies
JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 0022-1007 1540-9538 218: Paper 20202411. 11 p.
Tóth Eszter Ágnes; Turiák Lilla; Visnovitz Tamás; Cserép Csaba; Mázló Anett; W. Sódar Barbara; Försönits András I; Petovári Gábor; Sebestyén Anna; Komlósi Zsolt; Drahos László; Kittel Ágnes; Nagy György; Bácsi Attila; Dénes Ádám; Song Gho Yong; Szabó-Taylor Katalin É**; Buzás Edit I ✉
Formation of a protein corona on the surface of extracellular vesicles in blood plasma
JOURNAL OF EXTRACELLULAR VESICLES 2001-3078 10: Paper e12140. 26 p.