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Hegedüs P.; Heckenast J.; Hangya B. ✉  (2021) Differential recruitment of ventral pallidal e-types by behaviorally salient stimuli during Pavlovian conditioning ISCIENCE 2589-0042 24: Paper 102377. 40 p.
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Kaszas A.; Szalay G.; Slézia A.; Bojdán A.; Vanzetta I.; Hangya B.; Rózsa B.; O’Connor R.; Moreau D. ✉  (2021) Two-photon GCaMP6f imaging of infrared neural stimulation evoked calcium signals in mouse cortical neurons in vivo SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2045-2322 11: Paper 9775.
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Hegedüs Panna ✉; Velencei Anna; Belval Claire-Hélène de; Heckenast Julia; Hangya Balázs ✉  (2021) Training protocol for probabilistic Pavlovian conditioning in mice using an open-source head-fixed setup. STAR Protocols 2666-1667 2: Paper 100795. 14 p.
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