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1-6 elements, in total: 6
Hegedüs P.; Sviatkó K.; Király B.; Martínez-Bellver S.; Hangya B. ✉
Cholinergic activity reflects reward expectations and predicts behavioral responses
ISCIENCE 2589-0042 26: Paper 105814. 22 p.
Király Bálint; Domonkos Andor; Jelitai Márta; Lopes-dos-Santos Vítor; Martínez-Bellver Sergio; Kocsis Barnabás; Schlingloff Dániel; Joshi Abhilasha; Salib Minas; Fiáth Richárd; Barthó Péter; Ulbert István; Freund Tamás F.; Viney Tim J.; Dupret David; Varga Viktor; Hangya Balázs
The medial septum controls hippocampal supra-theta oscillations
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 14: Paper 6159.
Kocsis Barnabás; Martínez-Bellver Sergio; Fiáth Richárd; Domonkos Andor; Sviatkó Katalin; Schlingloff Dániel; Barthó Péter; Freund Tamás F.; Ulbert István; Káli Szabolcs; Varga Viktor; Hangya Balázs ✉
Huygens synchronization of medial septal pacemaker neurons generates hippocampal theta oscillation
CELL REPORTS 2211-1247 2211-1247 40: Paper 111149. 29 p.
Laszlovszky Tamás; Schlingloff Dániel; Hegedüs Panna; Freund Tamás F.; Gulyás Attila; Kepecs Adam; Hangya Balázs ✉
Distinct synchronization, cortical coupling and behavioral function of two basal forebrain cholinergic neuron types
NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 23: pp 992-1003
Király Bálint; Balázsfi Diána; Horváth Ildikó; Solari Nicola; Sviatkó Katalin; Lengyel Katalin; Birtalan Eszter; Babos Magor; Bagaméry Gergő; Máthé Domokos; Szigeti Krisztián; Hangya Balázs ✉
In vivo localization of chronically implanted electrodes and optic fibers in mice
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 11: Paper 4686. 17 p.
Laszlovszky Tamas; Schlingloff Daniel; Hegedus Panna; Freund Tamas F.; Gulyas Attila; Kepecs Adam; Hangya Balazs ✉
Distinct synchronization, cortical coupling and behavioral function of two basal forebrain cholinergic neuron types (vol 93, pg 513, 2020)
NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 23: pp 1310-1310