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Haller J; Aliczki M; Gyimesine Pelczer K  (2013) Classical and novel approaches to the preclinical testing of anxiolytics: A critical evaluation NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS 0149-7634 1873-7528 37: pp 2318-2330
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Aliczki M; Zelena D; Mikics E; Varga ZK; Pinter O; Bakos NV; Varga J; Haller J  (2013) Monoacylglycerol lipase inhibition-induced changes in plasma corticosterone levels, anxiety and locomotor activity in male CD1 mice HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR 0018-506X 1095-6867 63: pp 752-758
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Haller J; Goldberg SR; Pelczer KG; Aliczki M; Panlilio LV  (2013) The effects of anandamide signaling enhanced by the FAAH inhibitor URB597 on coping styles in rats. PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 0033-3158 1432-2072 230: pp 353-362
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