
Sunday, 20 March, 2022

Available methods in the Unit of Behavioral Studies



Open-field (non-associative habituation learning)

Object recognition (recognition memory, subcategory of declarative memory)

Social recognition (recognition memory of conspecific animal)

Sociability (Three-compartment box)

Shuttle-box (aversive learning)

Operant conditioning (learning and memory, automated boxes)

Morris water-maze (spatial learning)

Olfactory discrimination

5 choice serial reaction task (learning-, cognitive deficits, e.g. schizophrenia, impulsivity,ADHD)

Fear conditioning (cue-induced, contextual learning, extinction)

Y-maze (spontaneous alternation, working memory)

Y-shape place recognition (spatial learning, short term memory)

Radial maze (working and reference memory)

Hole-board (spatial learning)




Open-field (avoidance of open space)

Elevated plus-maze

Social interaction

Social avoidance

Light-dark box

Startle response

Conditioned fear (PTSD)

USV (ultrasonic vocalizations for communication)

Marbel burrying




Shuttle box (learned helplessness)

Forced swimming

Tail suspension

Prepulse inhibition (PPI)

Social defeat (aggression)

Restraint stress


Schizophrenia model


PCP-induced social withdrawal

Prepulse inhibition



Social behavior


Sociability (partner preference, sex-preference)

Social recognition, - interaction

Resident-intruder test (aggresion)

Distance observations (eg. huddling)


Drug interaction, drug effects (recognitions)


Place aversion/preference

Drug discrimination


Muscle strength, motor coordination, locomotion, exploratory disposition


Grip test

Wire suspension and grid test



Hole board




Place preference

Drug self administration