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1-6 elements, in total: 6
Fekete C; Sarkar S; Rand WM; Harney JW; Emerson CH; Bianco AC; Lechan RM ✉
Agouti-related protein (AGRP) has a central inhibitory action on the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis; comparisons between the effect of AGRP and neuropeptide Y on energy homeostasis and the HPT axis
ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 143: pp 3846-3853
Hahm S; Fekete C; Mizuno TM; Windsor J; Yan H; Boozer CN; Lee C; Elmquist JK; Lechan RM; Mobbs CV; Salton SRJ ✉
VGF is required for obesity induced by diet, gold thioglucose treatment, and agouti and is differentially regulated in pro-opiomelanocortin- and neuropeptide Y-containing arcuate neurons in response to fasting
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 22: pp 6929-6938
Mihály E; Fekete C; Lechan RM; Liposits Z ✉
Corticotropin-releasing hormone-synthesizing neurons of the human hypothalamus receive neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive innervation from neurons residing primarily outside the infundibular nucleus
JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 0021-9967 1096-9861 446: pp 235-243
Wittmann G; Liposits Z; Lechan RM; Fekete C
Medullary adrenergic neurons contribute to the neuropeptide Y-ergic innervation of hypophysiotropic thyrotropin-releasing hormone-synthesizing neurons in the rat
NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 0304-3940 1872-7972 324: pp 69-73
Fekete C; Sharkar S; Rand WM; Harney JW; Emerson CH; Bianco AC; Beck-Sickinger A; Lechan RM
Neuropeptide Y1 and Y5 receptors mediate the effects of neuropeptide Y on the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis
ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 143: pp 4513-4519
Fekete C; Wittmann G; Liposits Z; Lechan RM
GABA-ergic innervation of thyrotropin-releasing hormone-synthesizing neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus of the rat
BRAIN RESEARCH 0006-8993 1872-6240 957: pp 251-258