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1-5 elements, in total: 5
Fekete Csaba; Leövey A; Nagy VE; Paragh Gy; Rácz K
A neuroendokrin integráció szerepe és jelentősége
: pp 3-9
Wittmann G ✉; Farkas E; Szilvasy-Szabo A; Gereben B; Fekete C; Lechan RM
Variable proopiomelanocortin expression in tanycytes of the adult rat hypothalamus and pituitary stalk
JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 0021-9967 1096-9861 525: pp 411-441
Rovira-Esteban L; Peterfi Z; Vikor A; Mate Z; Szabo G ✉; Hajos N ✉
Morphological and physiological properties of CCK/CB1R-expressing interneurons in the basal amygdala.
BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 1863-2653 1863-2661 222: pp 3543-3565
Remaud S; Ortiz FC; Perret-Jeanneret M; Aigrot MS; Gothie JD; Fekete C; Kvarta-Papp Z; Gereben B; Langui D; Lubetzki C; Angulo MC; Zalc B; Demeneix B
Transient hypothyroidism favors oligodendrocyte generation providing functional remyelination in the adult mouse brain.
ELIFE 2050-084X 6: Paper e29996.
Szilvasy-Szabo A; Varga E; Beliczai Z; Lechan RM; Fekete C ✉
Localization of connexin 43 gap junctions and hemichannels in tanycytes of adult mice
BRAIN RESEARCH 0006-8993 1872-6240 1673: pp 64-71