Thyroid Hormone Action Indicator mouse model

Sunday, 20 March, 2022

In many cases, tissue-specific TH action cannot be known from TSH and circulating TH levels alone, and characterization of the latter is challenging. Therefore, in collaboration with the Integrative Neuroendocrinology Research Group and the Medical Gene Technology Unit of our Institute, we have developed and patented the THAI (Thyroid Hormone Action Indicator) mouse model (European Patent Office EP3223606; National Intellectual Property Office HU230964; United States Patent and Trademark Office 10,694,724 B2). Each cell of the mouse expresses a TH-sensitive luciferase reporter gene detectable at both RNA and protein levels, and thus provides a unique opportunity for direct, specific and quantitative determination of local TH signalling even in living animals.



- Szellemi Tulajdon Nemzeti Hivatala HU230964. Pajzsmirigyhormon hatás mérésére szolgáló transzgenikus indikátor egér és rekombináns DNS-konstrukció. 2019

- European Patent Office EP3223606. Transgenic mouse for the assessment of thyroid hormone (TH) action. 2019

- United States Patent and Trademark Office 10,694,724 B2. Transgenic mouse for the assessment of thyroid hormone (TH) action. 2020