Current research support


NIH R01 (2R01DK058538-14A1) 2021-2025

Selenodeiodinase Processing by the Proteasome System

The goal of the project is to understand the cellular and molecular mechanism regulating tissue-specific thyroid hormone signalling in the brain and find differences in how cells react to thyroxine (LT4), ubiquitinate/deubiquitinate type 2 deiodinase and produce T3, with impact on TH signaling and LT4 therapy

Role: co-PI


NKFI 125247-(National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary) 2017-2022

Tissue specific assessment of medical therapy evoked alterations of thyroid hormone economy in rodents and humans

The goal of this project is to understand tissue thyroid hormone action in amiodaron treated THAI mouse and find human markers of tissue-specific TH action.

Role: PI


NRDI Hungarian Brain Research Program 2.0 2017-2022

Cell-type specific assessment of thyroid hormone economy in neurosecretory neurons of live mice

The goal of this project is to develop in vivo approaches to asses thyroid hormone levels in neurons of live mice

Role: co-PI

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