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Igarashi M.; Nozumi M.; Wu L.-G.; Cella Zanacchi F.; Katona I.; Barna L.; Xu P.; Zhang M.; Xue F.; Boyden E.
New observations in neuroscience using superresolution microscopy
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 38: pp 9459-9467
Klinger-Gratz PP; Ralvenius WT*; Neumann E; Kato A; Nyilas R; Lele Z; Katona I; Zeilhofer HU ✉
Acetaminophen Relieves Inflammatory Pain through CB1 Cannabinoid Receptors in the Rostral Ventromedial Medulla.
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 38: pp 322-334