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Milusheva, EA; Baranyi, M  (2003) Implication of ionotropic glutamate receptors in the release of noradrenaline in hippocampal CA1 and CA3 subregions under oxygen and glucose deprivation NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 1872-9754 43: 543-550
Németh, ZH; Leibovich, SJ; Deitch, EA; Sperlágh, B; Virág, L; Vizi, ES; Szabó, C; Haskó, G  (2003) Adenosine stimulates CREB activation in macrophages via p38 MAPK-mediated mechanism BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 1090-2104 312: 883-888
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Köfalvi, A; Vizi, ES; Ledent, C; Sperlágh, B  (2003) Cannabinoids inhibit the release of ³glutamate from rodent hippocampal synaptosomes via a novel CB₁ receptor-independent action EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1460-9568 18: 1973-1978
Milusheva, E; Sperlágh, B; Shikova, L; Baranyi, M; Tretter, L; Ádám-Vizi, V; Vizi, ES  (2003) Non-synaptic release of H³noradrenaline in response to oxidative stress combined with mitochondrial dysfunction in rat hippocampal slices NEUROSCIENCE 1873-7544 120: 771-781
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Sperlágh, B; Szabó, G; Erdélyi, F; Baranyi, M; Vizi, ES  (2003) Homo- and heteroexchange of adenine nucleotides and nucleosides in rat hippocampal slices by the nucleoside transport system BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 1476-5381 139: 623-633
Luthardt, J; Borvendeg, SJ; Sperlágh, B; Poelchen, W; Wirkner, K; Illes, P  (2003) P2Y1 receptor activation inhibits NMDA receptor-channels in layer V pyramidal neurons of the rat prefrontal and parietal cortex NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 1872-9754 42: 161-172
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Sperlágh, B  (2002) A neurotranszmitterek és receptoraik: Nukleotidok és nukleozidok 202-210
Brassai, A; Makó, K; Domjanschitz, L; Sperlágh, B  (2002) Lack of prejunctional modulation of noradrenaline release by endogenous nitric oxide in guinea pig pulmonary artery NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 1872-9754 41: 279-283
Sperlágh, B; Köfalvi, A; Deuchars, J; Atkinson, L; Milligan, CJ; Buckley, NJ; Vizi, ES  (2002) Involvement of P2X7 receptors in the regulation of neurotransmitter release in the rat hippocampus JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY 1471-4159 81: 1196-1211
Halmos, Gy; Lendvai, B; Gáborján, A; Baranyi, M; Szabó, LZ; Csokonai, Vitéz L  (2002) Simultaneous measurement of glutamate and dopamine release from isolated guinea pig cochlea NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 1872-9754 40: 243-248
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Sperlágh, B; Vizi, ES  (2001) Regulation of purine release 179-208
Sperlágh, B; Zsilla, G; Vizi, ES  (2001) KATP channel blockers selectively interact with A₁ -adenosine receptor mediated modulation of acetylcholine release in the rat hippocampus BRAIN RESEARCH 1872-6240 889: 63-70
Sperlágh, B; Illes, P; Gerevich, Z; Köfalvi, A  (2001) Distinct mechanisms underlying α₁-adrenoceptor and P₂X purinoceptor operated ATP release and contraction in the guinea-pig vas deferens NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH 1573-6903 26: 951-957
Vizi, ES; Haskó, Gy; Lendvai, B; Sperlágh, B  (2001) Role of endogenous ATP in the regulation of pro- and antiinflammatory mediator production DRUG DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH 1098-2299 53: 117-125
Tímár, J; Vizi, ES; Sperlágh, B; Kiss, J; Zelles, T  (2001) Bevezetés a pszichotrop szerek farmakológiájába 317-337
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Gerevich, Z; Tretter, L; Adam-Vizi, V; Baranyi, M; Kiss, JP; Zelles, T; Vizi, ES  (2001) Analysis of high intracellular [Na⁺]-induced release of ³noradrenaline in rat hippocampal slices NEUROSCIENCE 1873-7544 104: 761-768
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Vizi, ES; Nitahara, K; Sato, K; Sperlágh, B  (2000) Stimulation-dependent release, breakdown, and action of endogenous ATP in mouse hemidiaphragm preparation: the possible role of ATP in neuromuscular transmission AUTONOMIC NEUROSCIENCE-BASIC & CLINICAL 1872-7484 81: 278-284
Sperlágh, B; Dóda, M; Baranyi, M; Haskó, Gy  (2000) Ischemic-like condition releases norepinephrine and purines from different sources in superfused rat spleen strips JOURNAL OF NEUROIMMUNOLOGY 1872-8421 111: 45-54
Sperlágh, B; Erdélyi, F; Szabó, G; Vizi, ES  (2000) Local regulation of ³-noradrenaline release from the isolated guinea-pig right atrium by P₂X-receptors located on axon terminals BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 1476-5381 131: 1775-1783
Katona, I; Sperlágh, B; Maglóczky, Z; Sántha, E; Köfalvi, A; Czirják, S; Mackie, K; Vizi, ES; Freund, TF  (2000) GABAergic interneurons are the targets of cannabinoid actions in the human hippocampus NEUROSCIENCE 1873-7544 100: 797-804
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Köfalvi, A; Sperlágh, B; Zelles, T; Vizi, ES  (2000) Long-lasting facilitation of 4-amino-n-[2,3-³H]butyric acid (³GABA) release from rat hippocampal slices by nicotinic receptor activation JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS 1521-0103 295: 453-462
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Sántha, E; Sperlágh, B; Zelles, T; Zsilla, G; Tóth, PT; Lendvai, B; Baranyi, M; Vizi, ES  (2000) Multiple cellular mechanisms mediate the effect of lobeline on the release of norepinephrine JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS 1521-0103 294: 302-307
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Sperlágh, B; Mergl, Zs; Jurányi, Zs; Vizi, ES; Makara, GB  (1999) Local regulation of vasopressin and oxytocin secretion by extracellular ATP in the isolated posterior lobe of the rat hypophysis JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 1479-6805 160: 343-350
Nakai, T; Milusheva, E; Baranyi, M; Uchihashi, Y; Satoh, T; Vizi, ES  (1999) Excessive release of [³H]noradrenaline and glutamate in response to simulation of ischemic conditions in rat spinal cord slice preparation: effect of NMDA and AMPA receptor antagonists EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 1879-0712 366: 143-150
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Vizi, ES; Sperlágh, B  (1999) Separation of carrier mediated and vesicular release of GABA from rat brain slices NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 1872-9754 34: 407-413
Jurányi, Zs; Sperlágh, B; Vizi, ES  (1999) Involvement of P₂ purinoceptors and the nitric oxide pathway in ³purine outflow evoked by short-term hypoxia and hypoglycemia in rat hippocampal slices BRAIN RESEARCH 1872-6240 823: 183-190
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Oe, K; Sperlágh, B; Sántha, E; Matkó, I; Nagashima, H; Foldes, FF; Vizi, ES  (1999) Modulation of norepinephrine release by ATP-dependent K⁺ -channel activators and inhibitors in guinea-pig and human isolated right atrium CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 1755-3245 43: 125-134
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Katona, I; Sperlágh, B; Sík, A; Kőfalvi, A; Vizi, ES; Mackie, K; Freund, TF  (1999) Presynaptically located CB1 cannabinoid receptors regulate GABA release from axon terminals of specific hippocampal interneurons JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1529-2401 19: 4544-4558
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Vizi, ES; Sperlagh, B  (1999) Receptor- and carrier-mediated release of ATP of postsynaptic origin: cascade transmission PROGRESS IN BRAIN RESEARCH 1875-7855 120: 159-169
Sperlágh, B.; Sershen, H.; Lajtha, A.; Vizi, E. S.  (1998) Co-release of endogenous ATP and [³H]noradrenaline from rat hypothalamic slices: origin and modulation by α₂-adrenoceptors NEUROSCIENCE 1873-7544 82: 511-520
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