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Nusser, Z; Roberts, JDB; Baude, A; Richards, JG; Sieghart, W; Somogyi, P  (1995) Immunocytochemical localization of the α1 and β2/3 subunits of the GABA~A receptor in relation to specific GABAergic synapses in the dentate gyrus EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1460-9568 7: 630-646
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Nusser*, Z; Roberts, JDB; Baude, A; Richards, JG; Somogyi, P  (1995) Relative densities of synaptic and extrasynaptic GABA~A receptors on cerebellar granule cells as determined by a quantitative immunogold method JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1529-2401 15: 2948-2960
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Baude, A; Nusser*, Z; Molnár, E; McIIhinney, RAJ; Somogyi, P  (1995) High-resolution immunogold localization of AMPA type glutamate receptor subunits at synaptic and non-synaptic sites in rat hippocampus NEUROSCIENCE 1873-7544 69: 1031-1055
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