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1-4 elements, in total: 4
Nusser, Z; Kay, LM; Laurent, G; Homanics, GE; Mody, I
Disruption of GABA~A receptors on GABAergic interneurons leads to increased oscillatory power in the olfactory bulb network
JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 1522-1598 86: 2823-2833
Nusser*, Z; Naylor, D; Mody, I
Synapse-specific contribution of the variation of transmitter concentration to the decay of inhibitory postsynaptic currents
BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 1542-0086 80: 1251-1261
Tretter, V; Hauer, B; Nusser*, Z; Mihalek, RM; Höger, H; Homanics, GE; Somogyi, P; Sieghart, W
Targeted disruption of the GABA~A receptor ~d subunit gene leads to an up-regulation of γ₂ subunit-containing receptors in cerebellar granule cells
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 1083-351X 276: 10532-10538
Soltesz, I; Nusser, Z
Neurobiology: Background inhibition to the fore
NATURE 1476-4687 409: 24-27