All publications
1-5 elements, in total: 5
Lőrincz, A; Notomi, T; Tamás, G; Shigemoto, R; Nusser, Z
Polarized and compartment-dependent distribution of HCN1 in pyramidal cell dendrites
NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1546-1726 5: 1185-1193
Nusser, Z; Mody, I
Selective modulation of tonic and phasic inhibitions in dentate gyrus granule cells
JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 1522-1598 87: 2624-2628
Losonczy, A; Zhang, L; Shigemoto, R; Somogyi, P; Nusser, Z
Cell type dependence and variability in the short-term plasticity of EPSCs in identified mouse hippocampal interneurones
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 1469-7793 542: 193-210
DiGregorio, DA; Nusser, Z; Silver, RA
Spillover of glutamate onto synaptic AMPA receptors enhances fast transmission at a cerebellar synapse
NEURON 1097-4199 35: 521-533
Nusser, Z
Release-independent short-term facilitation at GABAergic synapses in the olfactory bulb
NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 1873-7064 43: 573-583