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1-2 elements, in total: 2
Éltes, Tímea; Szoboszlay, Miklos; Kerti‐Szigeti, Katalin; Nusser, Zoltan
Improved spike inference accuracy by estimating the peak amplitude of unitary [Ca 2+ ] transients in weakly GCaMP6f expressing hippocampal pyramidal cells
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 1469-7793 597: 2925-2947
Rebola, Nelson; Reva, Maria; Kirizs, Tekla; Szoboszlay, Miklos; Lorincz, Andrea; Moneron, Gael; Nusser, Zoltan; DiGregorio, David A.
Distinct Nanoscale Calcium Channel and Synaptic Vesicle Topographies Contribute to the Diversity of Synaptic Function
NEURON 1097-4199 104: 693-+