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Aldahabi Mohammad; Neher Erwin ✉; Nusser Zoltan ✉  (2024) Different states of synaptic vesicle priming explain target cell type–dependent differences in neurotransmitter release PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 0027-8424 1091-6490 121: Paper 2322550121. 10 p.
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Holderith, Noemi; Aldahabi, Mohammad; Nusser, Zoltan  (2022) Selective Enrichment of Munc13-2 in Presynaptic Active Zones of Hippocampal Pyramidal Cells That Innervate mGluR1α Expressing Interneurons FRONTIERS IN SYNAPTIC NEUROSCIENCE 13:
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Aldahabi Mohammad; Balint Flora; Holderith Noemi; Lorincz Andrea; Reva Maria; Nusser Zoltan  (2022) Different priming states of synaptic vesicles underlie distinct release probabilities at hippocampal excitatory synapses NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 :
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Karlocai, Maria Rita; Heredi, Judit; Benedek, Tünde; Holderith, Noemi; Lorincz, Andrea; Nusser, Zoltan  (2021) Variability in the Munc13-1 content of excitatory release sites ELIFE 10:
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Holderith, Noemi; Heredi, Judit; Kis, Viktor; Nusser, Zoltan  (2020) A High-Resolution Method for Quantitative Molecular Analysis of Functionally Characterized Individual Synapses CELL REPORTS 32:
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Olah Viktor Janos; Lukacsovich David; Winterer Jochen; Arszovszki Antonia; Lorincz Andrea; Nusser Zoltan; Foldy Csaba; Szabadics Janos ✉  (2020) Functional specification of CCK plus interneurons by alternative isoforms of Kv4.3 auxiliary subunits ELIFE 2050-084X 2050-084X 9: Paper e58515. 26 p.
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Éltes, Tímea; Szoboszlay, Miklos; Kerti‐Szigeti, Katalin; Nusser, Zoltan  (2019) Improved spike inference accuracy by estimating the peak amplitude of unitary [Ca 2+ ] transients in weakly GCaMP6f expressing hippocampal pyramidal cells JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 1469-7793 597: 2925-2947
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Rebola, Nelson; Reva, Maria; Kirizs, Tekla; Szoboszlay, Miklos; Lorincz, Andrea; Moneron, Gael; Nusser, Zoltan; DiGregorio, David A.  (2019) Distinct Nanoscale Calcium Channel and Synaptic Vesicle Topographies Contribute to the Diversity of Synaptic Function NEURON 1097-4199 104: 693-+
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Nusser, Z  (2018) Creating diverse synapses from the same molecules CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY 1873-6882 51: 8-15
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Eltes, T; Kirizs, T; Nusser, Z; Holderith, N  (2017) Target cell type-dependent differences in Ca2+ channel function underlie distinct release probabilities at hippocampal glutamatergic terminals. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1529-2401 37: 1910-1924
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Szoboszlay, M; Kirizs, T; Nusser, Z  (2017) Objective quantification of nanoscale protein distributions SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2045-2322 7:
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Molnar, G; Rozsa, M; Baka, J; Holderith, N; Barzo, P; Nusser, Z; Tamas, G  (2016) Human pyramidal to interneuron synapses are mediated by multi-vesicular release and multiple docked vesicles ELIFE 5:
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Kerti-Szigeti, K; Nusser, Z  (2016) Similar GABAA receptor subunit composition in somatic and axon initial segment synapses of hippocampal pyramidal cells. ELIFE 5:
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Rothman, JS; Kocsis, L; Herzog, E; Nusser, Z; Silver, RA  (2016) Physical determinants of vesicle mobility and supply at a central synapse. ELIFE 5:
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Eyre, MD; Nusser, Z  (2016) Only a Minority of the Inhibitory Inputs to Cerebellar Golgi Cells Originates from Local GABAergic Cells. ENEURO 2373-2822 3: 317-334
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Szoboszlay, M; Lorincz, A; Lanore, F; Vervaeke, K; Silver, RA; Nusser, Z  (2016) Functional Properties of Dendritic Gap Junctions in Cerebellar Golgi Cells. NEURON 1097-4199 90: 1043-1056
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Lenkey N; Kirizs T; Holderith N; Mate Z; Szabo G; Vizi ES; Hajos N; Nusser Z ✉  (2015) Tonic endocannabinoid-mediated modulation of GABA release is independent of the CB1 content of axon terminals NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 6: Paper 6557. 15 p.
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Holderith, N; Lorincz, A; Katona, G; Rózsa, B; Kulik, A; Watanabe, M; Nusser, Z  (2015) Erratum : Release probability of hippocampal glutamatergic terminals scales with the size of the active zone (Nature Neuroscience (2012) 15 (988-997)) NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1546-1726 19: 172
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Lenkey N ✉; Kirizs T; Holderith N; Máté Z; Szabó G; Vizi ES; Hájos N; Nusser Z  (2015) Erratum : Tonic endocannabinoid-mediated modulation of GABA release is independent of the CB 1 content of axon terminals (Nature Communications (2015) 6:6557 doi: 10.1038/ncomms7557) NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2041-1723 2041-1723 6: Paper 9226.
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Szabo GG; Lenkey N*; Holderith N; Andrasi T; Nusser Z; Hajos N ✉  (2014) Presynaptic Calcium Channel Inhibition Underlies CB1 Cannabinoid Receptor-Mediated Suppression of GABA Release. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 34: pp 7958-7963
Otsu, Y; Marcaggi, P; Feltz, A; Isope, P; Kollo, M; Nusser, Z; Mathieu, B; Kano, M; Tsujita, M; Sakimura, K; Dieudonne, S  (2014) Activity-Dependent Gating of Calcium Spikes by A-type K+ Channels Controls Climbing Fiber Signaling in Purkinje Cell Dendrites. NEURON 1097-4199 84: 137-151
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Kerti-Szigeti, K; Nusser, Z; Eyre, MD  (2014) Synaptic GABAA receptor clustering without the gamma2 subunit. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1529-2401 34: 10219-10233
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Billings, G; Piasini, E; Lorincz, A; Nusser, Z; Silver, RA  (2014) Network Structure within the Cerebellar Input Layer Enables Lossless Sparse Encoding. NEURON 1097-4199 83: 960-974
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Kirizs, T; Kerti-Szigeti, K; Lorincz, A; Nusser, Z  (2014) Distinct axo-somato-dendritic distributions of three potassium channels in CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1460-9568 39: 1771-1783
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Kerti, K; Lorincz, A; Nusser, Z  (2012) Unique somato-dendritic distribution pattern of Kv4.2 channels on hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1460-9568 35: 66-75
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Nusser, Z  (2012) Differential subcellular distribution of ion channels and the diversity of neuronal function CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY 1873-6882 22: 366-371
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Vervaeke, K; Lorincz, A; Nusser, Z; Silver, RA  (2012) Gap junctions compensate for sublinear dendritic integration in an inhibitory network SCIENCE 1095-9203 335: 1624-1628
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Sumegi, M; Fukazawa, Y; Matsui, K; Lorincz, A; Eyre, MD; Nusser, Z; Shigemoto, R  (2012) Virus-mediated swapping of zolpidem-insensitive with zolpidem-sensitive GABAA receptors in cortical pyramidal cells JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 1469-7793 590: 1517-1534
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Eyre, MD; Renzi, M; Farrant, M; Nusser, Z  (2012) Setting the time course of inhibitory synaptic currents by mixing multiple GABAAR α subunit isoforms JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1529-2401 32: 5853-5867
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Holderith, N; Lorincz, A; Katona, G; Rozsa, B; Kulik, A; Watanabe, M; Nusser, Z  (2012) Release probability of hippocampal glutamatergic terminals scales with the size of the active zone NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1546-1726 15: 988-997
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