Purine 2024 diakép
MÉT 2024 diakép
Lumei Huang, member of our group, successfully defended her PhD Thesis diakép
Paula Mut Arbona, member of our group, successfully defended her PhD Thesis diakép
ELTE BTDK 2023 - Cell biology and physiology section diakép
36th OTDK - Biology section diakép
Széchenyi Prize 2023 diakép
2023 first publication in our research group diakép
FENS 2022, 9-13 July, Paris diakép

Purine 2024

Leader of our group gave a lecture, and 3 of the researchers presented a poster at the European Purine Meeting of 2024 organized for the second time in Ferrara, Italy. The conference provided a great opportunity to expand scientific knowledge, to share ideas and suggestions as well as to build scientific relationship during the 3 days.



Group members
