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In beautiful autumn weather, the 30th-anniversary conference of the European Federation of Pain (EFIC) took place in Budapest from 20-22 Sep. 2023.
Despite the fact that the news portals are full of articles about Katalin Karikó and Ferenc Krausz's Nobel Prize, it is worth reading our ERC grant-winning Principal Investigator István Katona's thoughts on Katalin Karikó and the significance of her Nobel Prize.
We have been involved in the programme since 2020, but this was our first "real" event, with larger attendance at lectures and lab visits. All visitors had to register on the official website of the Researchers' Night.
Today, 2 October 2023, is a wonderful, exceptional day because newspapers and news portals open with good news. Katalin Karikó, together with her colleague, immunologist Drew Weissman, has been awarded the Nobel Prize for their discovery of the mRNA vaccine against COVID-19.
Csaba Cserép, a senior researcher of the Neuroimmunology group, received the Bolyai Plaque and the second János Bolyai Research Fellowship at the Bolyai Day of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on 19 September 2023.
Richárd Sinkó, PhD student and member of the Molecular Cell Metabolism Group, has won the Berlin-Chemie Menarini Young Investigators' Award for researchers under 35 years of age in the basic research category at the ETA 2023 conference in Milan.
All scientific results must be made public. Anyone who develops a method in the course of his own research inevitably realizes that it could be of value to others, too. Erik Hrabovszky's group has developed a new RNA sequencing method, which has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, a true classic that has maintained its reputation and prestige for almost 120 years.
The conditions for participation at the Nobel Prize-winning meeting in Lindau have not changed since its inception. Only Nobel laureates are invited, and those under the age of 35 who meet the strict criteria and are selected by the committee. Balázs Pósfai was among those selected.
While most people interested in brain research know about the role of the hippocampus in learning and memory, probably none of them know about the important role of the brain stem, considered evolutionarily ancient, in storing negative memories. But so did most researchers, until recently, when Gábor Nyiri's group published a paper in the journal Plos Biology.