
73-75 elements, in total: 75
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Can migraines be prevented?

While headache is a common pain that can usually be treated with a few pills, migraine is a neurological condition that affects 10% of the population and can make life almost unbearable at times. Research by the Sperlágh group could pave the way to help prevent and treat this serious condition.

Nomen est omen

Minden jó, ha a vége jó, állítja Shakespeare színművének címe, és ezzel valószínűleg Pósfai Balázs is egyetért. Miért is ne tenné, mikor az év utolsó hónapja elhozta számára a Junior Prima Díjat? Az, hogy megérdemelten kapja, nem is kérdés.

Home abroad

A couple of months length study trip is often as exciting as some great adventure. New group, other circumstances, hard work for results, and opportunity to know a foreign place better than a tourist. Spending years somewhere is a bigger matter.

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