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The most is known about microglia in Ádám Dénes' group. Their most recent discovery is that microglia, in addition to nerve cells, can also establish direct contact with many cells in brain blood vessels and may be involved in regulating cerebral circulation!
We work at an internationally renowned neuroscience research institute, many of our staff are among the best in their field, so we always have something to write about. Yet, one of the March articles is always about a blossoming almond tree.
We received an invitation to the "Super-resolution and Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy and István Ábrahám Memorial Workshop" from the Szentágothai János Research Centre of the University of Pécs>
The IBRO Workshop of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society is held every two years and always in January. The announcement of the 2022 workshop as a traditional conference, was a bold undertaking in 2021, but it found out a success!
A new method, jointly developed by István Katona and György Keserű (ELRN, FNS), allows the measurement of the binding site of drugs on the surface of nerve cells with nanometre precision. The paper was published in Nature Communications.
It is a talented person, they used to say of outstanding talent, no matter what they are outstanding at. Anett Schwarcz Ph.D. student, is also talented, firstly because of her talent, but also because she won the Richter Gedeon Nyrt. Talent Scholarship.
Our age can be called "the renaissance of microscopes". Today's microscopes are "works of art" in a different way from the old ones, and require even more care and expertise. That is why Dr Szilvia Kőszegi joined us.
While headache is a common pain that can usually be treated with a few pills, migraine is a neurological condition that affects 10% of the population and can make life almost unbearable at times. Research by the Sperlágh group could pave the way to help prevent and treat this serious condition.
Minden jó, ha a vége jó, állítja Shakespeare színművének címe, és ezzel valószínűleg Pósfai Balázs is egyetért. Miért is ne tenné, mikor az év utolsó hónapja elhozta számára a Junior Prima Díjat? Az, hogy megérdemelten kapja, nem is kérdés.