All publications
1-21 elements, in total: 21
Sperlágh, B; Mergl, Zs; Jurányi, Zs; Vizi, ES; Makara, GB
Local regulation of vasopressin and oxytocin secretion by extracellular ATP in the isolated posterior lobe of the rat hypophysis
JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 1479-6805 160: 343-350
Pascual M; Acsády L; Rocamora N; Freund TF; Soriano E
Expression of neurotrophins in hippocampal interneurons immunoreactive for the neuropeptides somatostatin, neuropeptide-Y, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and cholecystokinin
NEUROSCIENCE 0306-4522 1873-7544 89: pp 1089-1101
Nakai, T; Milusheva, E; Baranyi, M; Uchihashi, Y; Satoh, T; Vizi, ES
Excessive release of [³H]noradrenaline and glutamate in response to simulation of ischemic conditions in rat spinal cord slice preparation: effect of NMDA and AMPA receptor antagonists
Katona I; Acsády L; Freund TF
Postsynaptic targets of somatostatin-immunoreactive interneurons in the rat hippocampus
NEUROSCIENCE 0306-4522 1873-7544 88: pp 37-55
Gulyás AI; Acsády L; Freund TF
Structural basis of the cholinergic and serotonergic modulation of GABAergic neurons in the hippocampus
NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 0197-0186 1872-9754 34: pp 359-372
Vizi, ES; Sperlágh, B
Separation of carrier mediated and vesicular release of GABA from rat brain slices
Jurányi, Zs; Sperlágh, B; Vizi, ES
Involvement of P₂ purinoceptors and the nitric oxide pathway in ³purine outflow evoked by short-term hypoxia and hypoglycemia in rat hippocampal slices
BRAIN RESEARCH 1872-6240 823: 183-190
Papp ECs; Hajos N; Acsády L; Freund TF
Medial septal and median raphe innervation of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-containing interneurons in the hippocampus
NEUROSCIENCE 0306-4522 1873-7544 90: pp 369-382
Nusser, Z
A new approach to estimate the number, density and variability of receptors at central synapses
Nusser*, Z; Sieghart, W; Mody, I
Differential regulation of synaptic GABA~A receptors by cAMP-dependent protein kinase in mouse cerebellar and olfactory bulb neurones
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 1469-7793 521: 421-435
Nusser*, Z; Ahmad, Z; Tretter, V; Fuchs, K; Wisden, W; Sieghart, W; Somogyi, P
Alterations in the expression of GABA~A receptor subunits in cerebellar granule cells after the disruption of the α6 subunit gene
Oe, K; Sperlágh, B; Sántha, E; Matkó, I; Nagashima, H; Foldes, FF; Vizi, ES
Modulation of norepinephrine release by ATP-dependent K⁺ -channel activators and inhibitors in guinea-pig and human isolated right atrium
CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 1755-3245 43: 125-134
Vizi, ES; Sperlagh, B
Receptor- and carrier-mediated release of ATP of postsynaptic origin: cascade transmission
PROGRESS IN BRAIN RESEARCH 1875-7855 120: 159-169
Büki A; Horváth Z; Kalló I; Liposits Zs; Lengvári I; Dóczi TP ✉
Peptidergic innervation of human cerebral blood vessels and saccular aneurysms
ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA 0001-6322 1432-0533 98: pp 383-388
Farkas I; Baranyi L; Kaneko Y; Liposits Zs; Yamamoto T; Okada H ✉
C5a receptor expression by TGW neuroblastoma cells
NEUROREPORT 0959-4965 1473-558X 10: pp 3021-3025
Fekete C; Strutton PH; Cagampang FRA; Hrabovszky E; Kalló I; Shughrue PJ; Dobó E; Mihály E; Baranyi L; Okada H; Panula P; Merchenthaler I; Coen CW; Liposits Zs ✉
Estrogen receptor immunoreactivity is present in the majority of central histaminergic neurons: evidence for a new neuroendocrine pathway associated with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone-synthesizing neurons in rats and humans
ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 140: pp 4335-4341
Gulyás AI ✉; Megías M; Emri Zs; Freund TF
Total number and ratio of excitatory and inhibitory synapses converging onto single interneurons of different types in the CA1 area of the rat hippocampus
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 19: pp 10082-10097
Deller T; Katona I; Cozzari C; Frotscher M; Freund TF
Cholinergic innervation of mossy cells in the rat fascia dentata
HIPPOCAMPUS 1050-9631 1098-1063 9: pp 314-320
Katona I; Sperlágh B; Sík A; Kőfalvi A; Vizi ES; Mackie K; Freund TF ✉
Presynaptically located CB1 cannabinoid receptors regulate GABA release from axon terminals of specific hippocampal interneurons
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 19: pp 4544-4558
Gereben* B; Bartha T; Tu HM; Harney JW; Rudas P; Larsen PR
Cloning and expression of the chicken type 2 iodothyronine 5'-deiodinase
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 0021-9258 1083-351X 274: pp 13768-13776
Zaborszky L; Pang K; Somogyi J; Nadasdy Z; Kallo I
The basal forebrain corticopetal system revisited
ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 0077-8923 1749-6632 877: pp 339-367