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1-30 elements, in total: 61
Giber K; Slézia A; Bokor H; Bodor AL; Ludányi A; Katona I; Acsády L  (2008) Heterogeneous output pathways link the anterior pretectal nucleus with the zona incerta and the thalamus in rat JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 0021-9967 1096-9861 506: pp 122-140
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Kalló I ✉; Jekkel C; Hrabovszky E; Juranyi Z; Vida B; Jarasi A; Wilheim T; Harsing LG Jr; Liposits Z  (2008) Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies on glycine transporter 1 after transient ischemia in the rat forebrain NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 0197-0186 1872-9754 52: pp 799-808
Gereben B; Zeöld A; Dentice M; Salvatore D; Bianco AC  (2008) Activation and inactivation of thyroid hormone by deiodinases: Local action with general consequences CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 1420-682X 1420-9071 65: pp 570-590
Farkas I ✉; Varju P; Szabó E; Hrabovszky E; Okada N; Okada H; Liposits Z  (2008) Estrogen enhances expression of the complement C5a receptor and the C5a-agonist evoked calcium influx in hormone secreting neurons of the hypothalamus NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 0197-0186 1872-9754 52: pp 846-856
Lorincz, A; Nusser, Z  (2008) Cell-type-dependent molecular composition of the axon initial segment JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1529-2401 28: 14329-14340
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Milius, D; Sperlagh, B; Illes, P  (2008) Up-regulation of P2X(7) receptor-immunoreactivity by in vitro ischemia on the plasma membrane of cultured rat cortical neurons NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 1872-7972 446: 45-50
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Eyre, MD; Antal, M; Nusser, Z  (2008) Distinct deep short-axon cell subtypes of the main olfactory bulb provide novel intrabulbar and extrabulbar GABAergic connections JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1529-2401 28: 8217-8229
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Csolle, C; Heinrich, A; Kittel, A; Sperlagh, B  (2008) P2Y receptor mediated inhibitory modulation of noradrenaline release in response to electrical field stimulation and ischemic conditions in superfused rat hippocampus slices JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY 1471-4159 106: 347-360
Lorincz, A; Nusser, Z  (2008) Specificity of Immunoreactions: The Importance of Testing Specificity in Each Method JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1529-2401 28: 9083-9086
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Bali, B; Ferenczi, S; Kovacs, KJ  (2008) Direct Inhibitory Effect of Glucocorticoids on Corticotrophin-releasing Hormone (CRH) Gene Expression in Neurones of the Paraventricular Nucleus in Rat Hypothalamic Organotypic Cultures JOURNAL OF NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 1365-2826 20: 1045-1051
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Dunkel, P; Gelain, A; Barlocco, D; Haider, N; Gyires, K; Sperlagh, B; Magyar, K; Maccioni, E; Fadda, A; Matyus, P  (2008) Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase/vascular adhesion protein 1: recent developments concerning substrates and inhibitors of a promising therapeutic target CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 1875-533X 15: 1827-1839
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Denes, A; Ferenczi, S; Halasz, J; Kornyei, Z; Kovacs, KJ  (2008) Role of CX3CR1 (fractalkine receptor) in brain damage and inflammation induced by focal cerebral ischemia in mouse JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM 1559-7016 28: 1707-1721
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Sperlágh, B  (2008) ATP-mediated signaling in the nervous system 227-254
Turi GF; Liposits Z; Hrabovszky E ✉  (2008) Cholinergic afferents to gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons of the rat NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 0197-0186 1872-9754 52: pp 723-728
Halász J; Tóth M; Mikics É; Hrabovszky E; Barsy Boglárka; Barsvari B; Haller J  (2008) The effect of neurokinin1 receptor blockade on territorial aggression and in a model of violent aggression BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 0006-3223 1873-2402 63: pp 271-278
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Mátyás F; Urbán GM; Watanabe M; Mackie K; Zimmer A; Freund TF; Katona I  (2008) Identification of the sites of 2-arachidonoylglycerol synthesis and action imply retrograde endocannabinoid signaling at both gabaergic and glutamatergic synapses in the ventral tegmental area NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 0028-3908 1873-7064 54: pp 95-107
Gulyás AI; Hájos N; Borhegyi Zs; Freund TF; Garcia CL; Olucha-Bordonau FE; Blasco Ibanez JM; Rosello JN; Rupérez CC  (2008) Anatomical and physiological properties of hippocampak GABAergic neurons projecting to the medial septum : La anatomia fina del conocimiento. : pp 159-180
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Kovács, KJ  (2008) Measurement of immediate-early gene activation- c-fos and beyond JOURNAL OF NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 1365-2826 20: 665-672
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Milusheva, E; Baranyi, M; Kittel, A; Fekete, A; Zelles, T; Vizi, ES; Sperlagh, B  (2008) Modulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission in rat striatum upon in vitro and in vivo diclofenac treatment JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY 1471-4159 105: 360-368
Kollo, M; Holderith, N; Antal, M; Nusser, Z  (2008) Unique clustering of A-type potassium channels on different cell types of the main olfactory bulb EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1460-9568 27: 1686-1699
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Fekete, A; Vizi, ES; Kovacs, KJ; Lendvai, B; Zelles, T  (2008) Layer-specific differences in reactive oxygen species levels after oxygen-glucose deprivation in acute hippocampal slices FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 1873-4596 44: 1010-1022
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Heinrich, A; Kittel, A; Csolle, C; Vizi, ES; Sperlagh, B  (2008) Modulation of neurotransmitter release by P2X and P2Y receptors in the rat spinal cord NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 1873-7064 54: 375-386
Balazsa, T; Biro, J; Gullai, N; Ledent, C; Sperlagh, B  (2008) Cb1-cannabinoid receptors are involved in the modulation of non-synaptic [3H] serotonin release from the rat hippocampus NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 1872-9754 52: 95-102
Komatsu F; Farkas I; Akatsu H; Kojima K; Fukushima T; Okada H  (2008) Potential neural progenitor cells in fetal liver and regenerating liver CYTOTECHNOLOGY 0920-9069 1573-0778 56: pp 209-217
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Scherma M; Panlilio LV; Fadda P; Fattore L; Gamaleddin I; Le Foll B; Justinova Z; Mikics E; Haller J; Medalie J; Stroik J; Barnes C; Yasar S; Tanda G; Piomelli D; Fratta W; Goldberg SR  (2008) Inhibition of anandamide hydrolysis by cyclohexyl carbamic acid 3'-carbamoyl-3-yl ester (URB597) reverses abuse-related behavioral and neurochemical effects of nicotine in rats JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS 0022-3565 1521-0103 327: pp 482-490
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Wanaverbecq N; Bodor AL; Bokor H; Slezia A; Luthi A; Acsady L  (2008) Contrasting the functional properties of GABAergic axon terminals with single and multiple synapses in the thalamus JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 28: pp 11848-11861
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Katona I  (2008) Adding a new piece to the perisynaptic puzzle: PLCβ1 is a component of the perisynaptic signaling machinery (PSM) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 28: pp 1743-1743
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Gereben B; Zavacki AM; Ribich S; Kim BW; Huang SA; Simonides WS; Zeold A; Bianco AC  (2008) Cellular and Molecular Basis of Deiodinase-Regulated Thyroid Hormone Signaling ENDOCRINE REVIEWS 0163-769X 1945-7189 29: pp 898-938
Katona I; Freund TF  (2008) Endocannabinoid signaling as a synaptic circuit breaker in neurological disease NATURE MEDICINE 1078-8956 1546-170X 14: pp 923-930
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Mikics E; Toth M; Varju P; Gereben B; Liposits Z; Ashaber M; Halasz J; Barna I; Farkas I; Haller J ✉  (2008) Lasting changes in social behavior and amygdala function following traumatic experience induced by a single series of foot-shocks PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 0306-4530 1873-3360 33: pp 1198-1210
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