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1-30 elements, in total: 38
Katona I  (2009) Endocannabinoid receptors: CNS localization of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor CURRENT TOPICS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCES 1866-3370 1: pp 65-86
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Fabian, TK; Kovacs, KJ; Gotai, L; Beck, A; Krause, WR; Fejerdy, P  (2009) Photo-acoustic stimulation: theoretical background and ten years of clinical experience CONTEMPORARY HYPNOSIS 1557-0711 26: 225-233
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Peterfi, Z; Donko, A; Orient, A; Sum, A; Prokai, A; Molnar, B; Vereb, Z; Rajnavolgyi, E; Kovacs, KJ; Muller, Veronika; Szabo, AJ; Geiszt, M  (2009) Peroxidasin is secreted and incorporated into the extracellular matrix of myofibroblasts and fibrotic kidney AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 1525-2191 175: 725-735
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Hajos N ✉; Paulsen O  (2009) Network mechanisms of gamma oscillations in the CA3 region of the hippocampus NEURAL NETWORKS 0893-6080 1879-2782 22: pp 1113-1119
Hajos N ✉; Ellender TJ; Zemankovics R; Mann EO; Exley R; Cragg SJ; Freund TF; Paulsen O  (2009) Maintaining network activity in submerged hippocampal slices: importance of oxygen supply EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 29: pp 319-327
Hajos N; Mody I  (2009) Establishing a physiological environment for visualized in vitro brain slice recordings by increasing oxygen supply and modifying acsf content JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS 0165-0270 1872-678X 183: pp 107-113
Hangya B ✉; Borhegyi Zsolt; Szilagyi N; Freund TF; Varga V  (2009) Gabaergic neurons of the medial septum lead the hippocampal network during theta activity JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 29: pp 8094-8102
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Mackie K; Katona I  (2009) Get stoned in GABAergic synapses NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 12: pp 1081-1083
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Nunez, C; Foldes, A; Perez-Flores, D; Garcia-Borron, JC; Laorden, ML; Kovacs, KJ; Milanes, MV  (2009) Elevated glucocorticoid levels are responsible for induction of tyrosine hydroxylase mrna expression, phosphorylation, and enzyme activity in the nucleus of the solitary tract during morphine withdrawal ENDOCRINOLOGY 1945-7170 150: 3118-3127
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Sperlagh, B; Windisch, K; Ando, RD; Sylvester, Vizi E  (2009) Neurochemical evidence that stimulation of cb1 cannabinoid receptors on gabaergic nerve terminals activates the dopaminergic reward system by increasing dopamine release in the rat nucleus accumbens NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL 1872-9754 54: 452-457
Rubini, P; Milosevic, J; Engelhardt, J; Al-Khrasani, M; Franke, H; Heinrich, A; Sperlagh, B; Schwarz, SC; Schwarz, J; Norenberg, W; Illes, P  (2009) Increase of intracellular ca2+ by adenine and uracil nucleotides in human midbrain-derived neuronal progenitor cells CELL CALCIUM 45: 485-498
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Valverde, O; Celerier, E; Baranyi, M; Vanderhaeghen, P; Maldonado, R; Sperlagh, B; Vassart, G; Ledent, C  (2009) Gpr3 receptor, a novel actor in the emotional-like responses PLOS ONE 1932-6203 4:
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Varga V ✉; Losonczy A* ✉; Zemelman BV; Borhegyi Z; Nyiri G; Domonkos A; Hangya B; Holderith N; Magee JC; Freund TF  (2009) Fast synaptic subcortical control of hippocampal circuits SCIENCE 0036-8075 1095-9203 326: pp 449-453
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Aerts G; Arrojo e Drigo R; Van Herck Stijn LJ; Sammels E; Mirebeau-Prunier D; Gereben B; Zeöld A; Harney JW; Huang SA; Mulcahey MA; Van der Geyten S; Van den Bergh G; Arckens L; Darras VM; Zavacki AM  (2009) Knockdown of the Type 3 Iodothyronine Deiodinase (D3) Interacting Protein Peroxiredoxin 3 Decreases D3-Mediated Deiodination in Intact Cells ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 150: pp 5171-5180
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Gereben B; Bianco AC  (2009) Covering the base-pairs in iodothyronine deiodinase-1 biology: holes remain in the lineup THYROID 1050-7256 1557-9077 19: pp 1027-1029
Fekete A; Franklin L; Ikemoto T; Rozsa B; Lendvai B; Sylvester Vizi E; Zelles T ✉  (2009) Mechanism of the persistent sodium current activator veratridine-evoked ca elevation: implication for epilepsy. JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY 0022-3042 1471-4159 111: pp 745-756
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Lechan RM; Fekete C; Toni R; Arnold AP; Etgen AM; Fahrbach SE; Rubin RT  (2009) Thyroid hormone in neural tissue : pp 1289-1329
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Nusser, Z  (2009) Variability in the subcellular distribution of ion channels increases neuronal diversity TRENDS IN NEUROSCIENCES 32: 267-274
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Watt, AJ; Cuntz, H; Mori, M; Nusser, Z; Sjostrom, PJ; Hausser, M  (2009) Traveling waves in developing cerebellar cortex mediated by asymmetrical Purkinje cell connectivity NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1546-1726 12: 463-473
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Eyre, MD; Kerti, K; Nusser, Z  (2009) Molecular diversity of deep short-axon cells of the rat main olfactory bulb EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1460-9568 29: 1397-1407
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Wittmann G; Fuzesi T; Liposits Z; Lechan RM; Fekete C  (2009) Distribution and axonal projections of neurons co-expressing thyrotropin-releasing hormone and urocortin 3 in the rat brain JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 0021-9967 1096-9861 517: pp 825-840
Fuzesi T; Wittmann G; Lechan RM; Liposits Z; Fekete C  (2009) Noradrenergic innervation of hypophysiotropic thyrotropin-releasing hormone-synthesizing neurons in rats BRAIN RESEARCH 0006-8993 1872-6240 1294: pp 38-44
Kadar A; Wittmann G; Liposits Z; Fekete C ✉  (2009) Improved method for combination of immunocytochemistry and nissl staining JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS 0165-0270 1872-678X 184: pp 115-118
Pernia-Andrade AJ; Kato A; Witschi R; Nyilas R; Katona I; Freund TF; Watanabe M; Filitz J; Koppert W; Schuttler J; Ji G; Neugebauer V; Marsicano G; Lutz B; Vanegas H; Zeilhofer HU  (2009) Spinal endocannabinoids and cb1 receptors mediate c-fiber-induced heterosynaptic pain sensitization SCIENCE 0036-8075 1095-9203 325: pp 760-764
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Zavacki AM; Arrojo E Drigo R; Freitas BC; Chung M; Harney JW; Egri P; Wittmann G; Fekete C; Gereben B; Bianco AC  (2009) The E3 ubiquitin ligase TEB4 mediates the degradation of the type 2 iodothyronine deiodinase (D2) MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 0270-7306 1098-5549 29: pp 5339-5347
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Kozsurek M; Lukacsi E; Fekete C; Puskar Z ✉  (2009) Nonselective innervation of lamina i projection neurons by cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide (cart)-immunoreactive fibres in the rat spinal dorsal horn EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 29: pp 2375-2387
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Mikics E; Vas J; Aliczki M; Halasz J; Haller J  (2009) Interactions between the anxiogenic effects of CB1 gene disruption and 5-HT3 neurotransmission BEHAVIOURAL PHARMACOLOGY 0955-8810 1473-5849 20: pp 265-272
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Nyilas R; Gregg LC; Mackie K; Watanabe M; Zimmer A; Hohmann AG; Katona I  (2009) Molecular architecture of endocannabinoid signaling at nociceptive synapses mediating analgesia EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 29: pp 1964-1978
Halasz J; Zelena D; Toth M; Tulogdi A; Mikics E; Haller J ✉  (2009) Substance P neurotransmission and violent aggression: The role of tachykinin NK(1) receptors in the hypothalamic attack area EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 0014-2999 1879-0712 611: pp 35-43
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Sanchez E; Vargas MA; Singru PS; Pascual I; Romero F; Fekete C; Charli JL; Lechan RM  (2009) Tanycyte pyroglutamyl peptidase II contributes to regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis through glial-axonal associations in the median eminence ENDOCRINOLOGY 0013-7227 1945-7170 150: pp 2283-2291
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