All publications
1-30 elements, in total: 48
Tulogdi A; Tóth M; Barsvári B; Biró L; Mikics E; Haller J
Effects of resocialization on post-weaning social isolation-induced abnormal aggression and social deficits in rats
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 0012-1630 1098-2302 56: pp 49-57
Groh A; Bokor H; Mease RA; Plattner VM; Hangya B; Stroh A; Deschenes M; Acsady L
Convergence of Cortical and Sensory Driver Inputs on Single Thalamocortical Cells.
CEREBRAL CORTEX 1047-3211 1460-2199 24: pp 3167-3179
Bianco AC; Anderson G; Forrest D; Galton VA Dr; Gereben B; Kim BW; Kopp PA; Liao XH; Obregon MJ; Peeters R; Refetoff S; Sharlin D; Simonides WS; Weiss RE; Williams G
American Thyroid Association Guide to Investigating Thyroid Hormone Economy and Action in Rodent and Cell Models.
THYROID 1050-7256 1557-9077 24: pp 88-168
Haller J; Aliczki M; Pelczer KG; Spitzer K; Balogh Z; Kantor S
Effects of the fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor URB597 on coping behavior under challenging conditions in mice
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 0033-3158 1432-2072 231: pp 593-601
Polyak, A; Ferenczi, S; Denes, A; Winkler, Z; Kriszt, R; Pinter-Kubler, B; Kovacs, KJ
The fractalkine/Cx3CR1 system is implicated in the development of metabolic visceral adipose tissue inflammation in obesity.
Ficker, C; Rozmer, K; Kató, E; Andó, RD; Schumann, L; Krügel, U; Franke, H; Sperlágh, B; Riedel, T; Illes, P
Astrocyte-neuron interaction in the substantia gelatinosa of the spinal cord dorsal horn via P2X7 receptor-mediated release of glutamate and reactive oxygen species.
GLIA 1098-1136 62: 1671-1686
Brunner, János; Neubrandt, Máté; Van-Weert, Susan; Andrasi, Tibor; Kleine Borgmann, Felix; Jessberger, Sebastian; Szabadics, János** ✉
Adult-born granule cells mature through two functionally distinct states.
Horvath, G; Goloncser, F; Csolle, C; Kiraly, K; Ando, RD; Baranyi, M; Kovanyi, B; Mate, Z; Hoffmann, K; Algaier, I; Baqi, Y; Muller, CE; Von Kugelgen, I; Sperlagh, B
Central P2Y12 receptor blockade alleviates inflammatory and neuropathic pain and cytokine production in rodents.
NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE 1095-953X 70: 162-178
Goloncser, F; Sperlagh, B
Effect of genetic deletion and pharmacological antagonism of P2X7 receptors in a mouse animal model of migraine.
Otsu, Y; Marcaggi, P; Feltz, A; Isope, P; Kollo, M; Nusser, Z; Mathieu, B; Kano, M; Tsujita, M; Sakimura, K; Dieudonne, S
Activity-Dependent Gating of Calcium Spikes by A-type K+ Channels Controls Climbing Fiber Signaling in Purkinje Cell Dendrites.
NEURON 1097-4199 84: 137-151
Kerti-Szigeti, K; Nusser, Z; Eyre, MD
Synaptic GABAA receptor clustering without the gamma2 subunit.
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 1529-2401 34: 10219-10233
Billings, G; Piasini, E; Lorincz, A; Nusser, Z; Silver, RA
Network Structure within the Cerebellar Input Layer Enables Lossless Sparse Encoding.
NEURON 1097-4199 83: 960-974
Kirizs, T; Kerti-Szigeti, K; Lorincz, A; Nusser, Z
Distinct axo-somato-dendritic distributions of three potassium channels in CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells.
Hegyi, B; Kornyei, Z; Ferenczi, S; Fekete, R; Kudlik, G; Kovacs, KJ; Madarasz, E; Uher, F
Regulation of Mouse Microglia Activation and Effector Functions by Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT 1557-8534 23: 2600-2612
Karlocai MR; Kohus Z; Kali S; Ulbert I; Szabo G; Mate Z; Freund TF; Gulyas AI
Physiological sharp wave-ripples and interictal events in vitro: what's the difference?
BRAIN 0006-8950 1460-2156 137: pp 463-485
Fekete C ✉; Lechan RM
Central Regulation of Pituitary-Thyroid Axis Under Physiological and Pathophysiological Conditions.
ENDOCRINE REVIEWS 0163-769X 1945-7189 35: pp 159-194
Fonseca Tatiana L; Werneck-De-Castro Joao Pedro; Castillo Melany; Bocco Barbara; Fernandes Gustavo; McAninch Elizabeth; Ignacio Daniele; Moises Caio; Ferreira Alexander; Balazs Gereben; Bianco Antonio
Tissue-Specific Inactivation of Type II Deiodinase Reveals Multi-Level Control of Fatty Acid Oxidation by Thyroid Hormone in the Mouse
DIABETES 0012-1797 1939-327X 63: pp 1594-1604
Horvath E; Woodhams SG; Nyilas R; Henstridge CM; Kano M; Sakimura K; Watanabe M; Katona I ✉
Heterogeneous presynaptic distribution of monoacylglycerol lipase, a multipotent regulator of nociceptive circuits in the mouse spinal cord.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0953-816X 1460-9568 39: pp 419-434
Szilamér, Ferenczi*; Mátyás, Cserháti*; Csilla, Krifaton; Sándor, Szoboszlay; József, Kukolya; Zsuzsanna, Szőke; Balázs, Kőszegi; Mihály, Albert; Teréz, Barna; Miklós, Mézes; Krisztina, J Kovács; Balázs, Kriszt
A New Ochratoxin A Biodegradation Strategy Using Cupriavidus basilensis Őr16 Strain
PLOS ONE 1932-6203 9:
Sperlagh, B; Illes, P
P2X7 receptor: an emerging target in central nervous system diseases.
Andrasfalvy, BK; Galinanes, GL; Huber, D; Barbic, M; Macklin, JJ; Susumu, K; Delehanty, JB; Huston, AL; Makara, JK; Medintz, IL
Quantum dot-based multiphoton fluorescent pipettes for targeted neuronal electrophysiology.
NATURE METHODS 1548-7105 11: 1237-1241
Sarvari M ✉; Kallo I; Hrabovszky E; Solymosi N; Liposits Z
Ovariectomy and subsequent treatment with estrogen receptor agonists tune the innate immune system of the hippocampus in middle-aged female rats.
PLOS ONE 1932-6203 1932-6203 9: Paper e88540. 12 p.
Ramikie TS; Nyilas R; Bluett RJ; Gamble-George JC; Hartley ND; Mackie K; Watanabe M; Katona I; Patel S
Multiple mechanistically distinct modes of endocannabinoid mobilization at central amygdala glutamatergic synapses.
NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 81: pp 1111-1125
Sarvari M; Kocsis P*; Deli L; Gajari D; David S; Pozsgay Z; Hegedus N; Tihanyi K; Liposits Z
Ghrelin Modulates the fMRI BOLD Response of Homeostatic and Hedonic Brain Centers Regulating Energy Balance in the Rat.
PLOS ONE 1932-6203 1932-6203 9: Paper e97651. 9 p.
Fodor A; Barsvari B; Aliczki M ✉; Balogh Z; Zelena D; Goldberg Steven R.; Haller J
The effects of vasopressin deficiency on aggression and impulsiveness in male and female rats
PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 0306-4530 1873-3360 47: pp 141-150
Szabo GG; Lenkey N*; Holderith N; Andrasi T; Nusser Z; Hajos N ✉
Presynaptic Calcium Channel Inhibition Underlies CB1 Cannabinoid Receptor-Mediated Suppression of GABA Release.
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 0270-6474 1529-2401 34: pp 7958-7963
Sárvári Miklós ✉; Deli Levente; Kocsis Pál; Márk László; Maász Gábor; Hrabovszky Erik; Kalló Imre; Gajári Dávid; Vastagh Csaba; Sümegi Balázs; Tihanyi Károly; Liposits Zsolt
Estradiol and isotype-selective estrogen receptor agonists modulate the mesocortical dopaminergic system in gonadectomized female rats
BRAIN RESEARCH 0006-8993 1872-6240 1583: pp 1-11
Chiovini B; Turi GF; Katona G; Kaszas A; Palfi D; Maak P; Szalay G; Szabo MF; Szabo G; Szadai Z; Kali S; Rozsa B
Dendritic spikes induce ripples in parvalbumin interneurons during hippocampal sharp waves.
NEURON 0896-6273 1097-4199 82: pp 908-924
Tonnesen J; Katona G; Rozsa B; Nagerl UV
Spine neck plasticity regulates compartmentalization of synapses.
NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 1097-6256 1546-1726 17: pp 678-685
Egri P; Gereben B
Minimal requirements for ubiquitination mediated regulation of thyroid hormone activation.
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 0952-5041 1479-6813 53: pp 217-226